Mishnah Kinnim 1:3: In what [case] were these words [rules in the previous mishnah] stated? When obligatory [bird offerings] and donated [bird offerings became mixed]. But if obligatory [bird offerings] became mixed with each other, one [pair] from this one [woman] and one [pair] from this one [woman], two [pairs from this one [woman] and two [pairs] from this one [woman], three [pairs from this one [woman] and three [pairs] from this one [woman]; half are permitted [to be sacrificed] and half are invalid. [However if] this one [woman] had one [pair], and this one [woman] had two [pairs], [or] three for this one, [or] ten for this one [or] one hundred for this one, [only] the smaller number [of birds] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. Whether [they are all] from one designation or whether [they are] from two designations, [and] whether [they are all] from one woman or whether [they are] from two women. |
במה דברים אמורים. בחובה ובנדבה. אבל בחובה שנתערבה זו בזו. אחת לזו ואחת לזו. שתים לזו שתים לזו. שלש לזו ושלש לזו. מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. אחת לזו ושתים לזו. ושלש לזו. ועשר לזו. ומאה לזו. המועט כשר. בין משם אחד. בין משני שמות. בין מאשה אחת. בין משתי נשים: |
Mishnah Kinnim 1:4: How is it [that two groups are brought] for one from one designation? [One pair brought for] a birth and [another pair brought for] a birth, [or for] a zivah [an atypical genital discharge, which renders a person impure] and another zivah [this is considered] from one designation. From two designations? [A pair brought for] a birth and [another brought for] a zivah. How is it [that two groups are brought] from two women? [A pair brought for] a birth for this one [woman] who gave birth, and [one brought for] this one ]woman] who gave birth, [or for] a zivah for this one [woman] and a zivah for the this one[woman] – [this is considered] from one designation. From two designations? [A pair brought for] a birth for one [woman] and [one brought for] a zivah for the other [woman]. Rabbi Yosi says: Two women who purchased their birds as a mixed group [without specifying which pair belongs to which woman], or they gave the money [to the Kohen without specifying which money is for which woman] he [the Kohen] may offer whichever pair he wants as a sin-offering and whichever pair he wants as an burnt offering. Regardless whether [they are all] from one designation or whether [they are] from two designations. |
כיצד משם אחד. לידה ולידה. זיבה וזיבה. משם אחד. משני שמות. לידה וזיבה. כיצד שתי נשים. על זו לידה ועל זו לידה. על זו זיבה ועל זו זיבה. משם אחד. משני שמות על זו לידה ועל זו זיבה. רבי יוסי אומר שתי נשים שלקחו קניהן בערוב. או שנתנו דמי קניהם לכהן. לאיזה שירצה כהן יקריב חטאת. ולאיזה שירצה כהן יקריב עולה. בין משם אחד. בין משני שמות: |
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