Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Kinnim 1:1: [The blood of] a bird sin-offering is placed below [the Altar's mid-line], and [the blood of] an animal sin-offering [is placed] above [the Altar's mid-line]. [The blood of] a bird burnt-offering is placed above, and [the blood of] an animal burnt-offering [is placed] below. If he [the Kohen] altered [the service] of either one, he has invalidated it. The arrangement of the pairs of birds is as follows: [With regard to] obligatory [offering], one [bird] is a sin-offering, and one is a burnt-offering. [With regard to] vowed offerings and donated offerings, all of them [the birds] are all burnt-offerings. What is a vowed offering? One who says, "I hereby obligate myself to bring a burnt-offering." What is a donated offering? One who says, "This [bird] is hereby [sanctified as] a burnt-offering." What is the [practical] difference between vowed offerings and donated offerings? [In the case of] vowed offering, if they [the birds] died or were stolen, [the owner] is accountable for their replacement. [In the case of] a donated offering, if they [the birds] died or were stolen, [the owner] is not accountable for their replacement. 2

חטאת העוף נעשית למטה וחטאת בהמה למעלה. עולת העוף נעשית למעלה ועולת הבהמה למטה. אם שינה בזה ובזה פסול. סדר קנים כך הוא. החובה. אחד חטאת ואחד עולה. בנדרים ונדבות כולן עולות. איזהו נדר. האומר הרי עלי עולה ואיזהו נדבה. האומר הרי זו עולה מה בין נדרים לנדבות. אלא שהנדרים. מתו או נגנבו חייבים באחריותם. ונדבות. מתו או נגנבו אין חייבים באחריותן:

Mishnah Kinnim 1:2: A sin-offering [bird] that became mixed with burnt-offering [birds], or a burnt-offering [bird] that became mixed with sin-offering [birds], even if one [bird got mixed with] ten thousand [birds of another type of offering] they must all be left to die. A sin-offering that became mixed with a [pair of] obligatory [birds], only the number of sin-offerings [contained] in the obligatory [pair] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. Similarly, an burnt-offering that became mixed with with obligatory a [pair of] obligatory [birds], only the number of burnt-offerings [contained] in the obligatory [pair] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. [This is true] whether the obligatory [birds] are many and the donated are fewer, [or] whether the donated are many and the obligatory [birds] are fewer, [or] whether they are both equal.

חטאת שנתערבה בעולה. ועולה בחטאת. אפילו אחד בריבוא. ימותו כולם. חטאת שנתערבה בחובה. אין כשר אלא במנין חטאות שבחובה. וכן עולה שנתערבה בחובה. אין כשר אלא כמנין עולות שבחובה. בין שהחובה מרובה והנדבה ממועטת. בין שהנדבה מרובה. והחובה ממועטת בין ששתיהן שוות:

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