פרק ט - משנה ט | |
הלבדין אסורין | Felt material [composed of wool and linen] are forbidden |
מפני שהן שועין | because they are carded |
פיף של צמר | a border of wool |
בשל פשתן אסור | on [a garment] of linen are forbidden |
מפני שהן חוזרין באריג | because it reinforces the weave |
רבי יוסי אומר | R' Yose says |
משיחות של ארגמן אסורות | belts of purple wool are forbidden |
מפני שהוא מולל | because he bastes (loosely sews) them |
עד שלא קושר | until they are tied |
לא יקשור סרט של צמר | One may not tie a ribbon of wool |
בשל פשתן |
to one linen |
לחגור בו את מותניו | to fasten about one's waist |
אף על פי שהרצועה באמצע | even though a [leather] belt is in middle |
פרק ט - משנה י | |
אותות הגרדין | Monograms of weavers |
ואותות הכובסין | and monograms of launderers |
אסורות משום כלאיים | are forbidden because of כלאים |
התוכף תכיפה אחת | something stuck [together] with a single thrust [of a needle and thread] |
אינה חיבור | is not considered connected |
ואין בה משום כלאיים | and it has no prohibition of כלאים |
והשומטה בשבת, פטור | and one who undoes it on Shabbos is exempt |
עשה שני ראשיה בצד אחד | if it is made so that two ends [of the thread come out] on one side |
חיבור | that is a connection |
ויש בה משום כלאיים | and it is susceptible to כלאים |
והשומטה בשבת, חייב | and one who undoes it on Shabbos is culpable |
רבי יהודה אומר | R' Yehuda says |
עד שישלש | [not] until it is tripled |
והשק והקופה | and a sack and a wicker basket [having linen and wool strips on them] |
מצרפין לכלאיים | combine to form כלאים [if the two strips are attached to each other] |
משנה ט
מפני שהן שועין - However this is only an אסור מדרבנן.
פיף של צמר - This border was of only one or two threads.
חוזרין באריג - The רע"ב gives two interpretations of this: one that it is forbidden because it reinforces the weave, the other because it appears to be part of the weave.
מפני שהוא מולל - While tying such a belt over a linen garment was not a problem, because they were basted in place prior to tying, they are forbidden.
אף על פי שהרצועה באמצע - The linen and wool would still be tied together, which is problematic. However if a second leather strip was used to connect the other ends of the wool to the linen and close the loop, then there is not problem.
משנה י
אותות - These were sewn into garments by these tradesmen to identify their owners.
התוכף תכיפה אחת - two items joined by running a needle through them one way - as opposed to a stitch, which goes in and out.
אינה חיבור - For the purposes of טומאה and טהרה, they are considered two separate items; if one is טמא the טומאה does not automatically extend to the other.
עשה שני ראשיה בצד אחד - That is to say, the thread is thrust through the two garments one way, and then thrust back in the opposite direction; the רע"ב says that these two ends must also be tied together.
עד שישלש - The thread makes three passes, in, out, then in again.
סליקא לה מסכת כלאים
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