פרק ז - משנה ה | |
אמר רבי יוסי | R' Yose said |
מעשה באחד | there was a case by one person |
שזרע את כרמו בשביעית | who planted his vineyard on |
ובא מעשה לפני רבי עקיבה ואמר | and the case come before R' Akiva, and he said |
אין אדם מקדש את שאינו שלו | a person cannot condemn that which does not belong to him |
פרק ז - משנה ו | |
האנס שזרע את הכרם |
A robber who planted [כלאים in] a vineyard |
ויצא מלפניו |
and it went out before him [and back to its rightful owner] |
קוצרו |
he [the owner] must harvest |
ואפילו במועד |
even on חול המועד; |
עד כמה הוא נותן לפועלים | up to how much must he give his workers? |
עד שליש | up to a third. |
יותר מכן | more than that |
קוצר כדרכו והולך | he should harvest in the usual manner |
ואפילו לאחר המועד | even after חול המועד |
מאימתיי הוא נקרא אנס | from when is he called a robber? |
משישקע | From when it (the owner's name) sinks |
משנה ה
שזרע את כרמו בשביעית - This planting was כלאים.
אין אדם מקדש את שאינו שלו - During שביעית it is הפקר and not his.
משנה ו
ואפילו במועד - When harvesting is normally prohibited.
עד שליש - According to the רע"ב, some say this means he must pay up to 1/3 more than the usual wage to have the crops removed immediately. If it will cost him more, he may wait until he can get workers at the usual time and wage (קוצר כדרכו והולך). Another פשט the רע"ב brings is that the 1/3 refers to the value of the crop, in that he must pay up to 1/3 the value of the crop to have workers remove it immediately.
מאימתיי הוא נקרא אנס - According to the רע"ב, this means from when is the field called the robber's, and is thus able to be condemned by his actions.
משישקע - The רע"ב says that this means from the time that the original owner's name 'sinks' from the field, and it is no longer known as the owner's field, while the רמב"ם says it refers to when the owner goes into hiding out of fear of the robber.
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