מסכת כלים פרק ט משנה ה | |
חרסין |
Earthenware shards |
שנשתמש בהן |
that were used |
משקין טמאין |
for tamei beverages (which were absorbed into the shards) |
ונפלו לאויר התנור |
and fell into the airspace of a tanur |
והוסק |
and it was heated, |
התנור טמא |
the tanur is tamei, |
שסוף משקה לצאת |
as the beverage would ultimately come out. |
וכן בגפת חדשה |
And similarly by new pulp (the refuse left after fruits have been pressed for their juice or oil; the same rule will apply to such pulp that has absorbed a tamei beverage and was then placed into an oven and heated) |
אבל בישנה טהור |
but old pulp is tahor (after twelve months we assume that the tamei beverage is no longer extant); |
ואם ידוע |
and if it is known |
שיוצא מהן משקין |
that a beverage come out from them |
אפילו לאחר שלש שנים |
even after three years, |
נטמא |
[the tanur] becomes tamei. |
פרק ט משנה ו |
הגפת |
Pulp |
והזגין |
and grape skins |
שנעשו בטהרה |
that were made in [a setting that was] tahor |
והלכו עליהם טמאים |
and those that were tamei walked on them |
(ואחר כך) |
(and after that) |
יצאו מהן משקין |
beverages [that had been reabsorbed by the pulp] came out of them, |
טהורין |
they are tahor (beverages are not susceptible to tumah unless produced intentionally, which is not the case here), |
שמתחלתן נעשו בטהרה |
as from their outset they were made in [a setting that was] tahor (if made from their outset in conditions of tumah, then even though produced unintentionally, they would be susceptible to tumah). |
כוש |
A spindle (a slender rounded rod with tapered ends used in hand spinning, a process by which fibers are wound into threads, to twist and wind thread from a mass of wool or flax) |
שבלע את הצנורה |
that has swallowed up the hook (there was a metal hook at one end of a spindle, and in this case the hook has sunken completely into the wooden rod of the spindle) |
ומלמד |
and a cattle prod |
שבלע את הדרבן |
that has swallowed up the the point (the cattle prod was comprised of a wooden stick with a metal point at its end) |
לבינה |
[or] a brick |
שבלעה את הטבעת |
that has swallowed a ring (the ring was accidently dropped into the clay that formed the brick), |
והיו טהורים |
and they were tahor (although these metal parts are ordinarily susceptible to tumah, enveloped as they are by the wood or clay, which are not susceptible to tumah, they cannot touch anything to become tamei by contact) |
נכנסו לאהל המת |
if they enter the canopy of a corpse, |
נטמאו |
they become tamei; |
הסיטן הזב |
If a zav moves them |
נטמאו |
they become tamei; |
נפלו לאויר התנור טהור |
if [they are tamei and] they fall into the air of a tanur that is tahor, |
טימאוהו |
they make it tamei; |
נגע בהן |
If they touch |
ככר של תרומה |
a loaf of terumah |
טהור |
it is tahor. (as it will only have touched the wood or clay, and not the tamei metal. |
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