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מסכת כלים פרק ח משנה ב

היתה שלמה

[Referring to the previous mishna, if the basket partially lowered into the top of a tanur] was whole,

וכן הקפה

and similarly a box,

וכן החמת

and similarly a flask,

השרץ בתוכה

if the sheretz was in it [the container]

התנור טהור

the [airspace of the] tanur is tahor,

השרץ בתנור

if the sheretz was in the tanur,

אכלין שבתוכה טהורין

food inside it [the container] are tahor.


If they developed a hole,

העשוי לאכלין

that which is made for food,

שיעורו בזיתים

its measure is in olives (if the hole is large enough to pass through it olives, it no longer offers any protection),

העשוי למשקין

that which was made for drink,

שיעורו במשקים

it measure is in drink (it must allow drink to enter through the hole for it to no longer offer protection),

העשוי לכך ולכך

that which is made for [both] this [food] and that [drink],

מטילין אותו לחמרו

we take it to the stringent measure

בכונס משקה

of allowing in drink.


פרק ח משנה ג


A woven mat (made of cloth or leather, bakers would place ingredients upon it)

שהיא נתונה על פי התנור

that was placed over the [top] opening of a tanur

ושוקעת לתוכו

and it sagged into it (the middle of the mat sagged down into the airspace of the tanur, while it's edges remained above and outside),

ואין לה גפים

and it does not have sides (i.e. it does not have a rim, and it does not have the status of a utensil),

השרץ בתוכה

if the sheretz is inside it (in the middle of it, such that the sheretz is in the airspace of the oven, albeit separated from that airspace by the mat),

התנור טמא

the [space inside the] tanur is tamei;

השרץ בתנור

if the sheretz was in the tanur,

אכלין שבתוכה טמאין

food that was in it (in the middle of the mat which hung down into the airspace of the tanur) are tamei,

שאין מצילין מיד כלי חרס

as nothing protects from the [tumah of the airspace of an] earthenware utensil,

אלא כלים

but utensils.


A barrel

שהיא מלאה משקין טהורין

that is filled with tahor liquid

ונתונה למטה

and was place below

מנחשתו של תנור

the dirt floor of the tanur (the floor was dug out and the barrel placed such that the top of the liquid inside the barrel was below the level of the floor of the tanur, while the opening of the barrel was above that floor level, and therefore inside the airspace of the tanur),

שרץ בתנור

if a sheretz was in the tanur

החבית והמשקין טהורין

the barrel and the liquid inside it are tahor.

היתה כפויה

If it [the barrel] was turned over

ופיה לאויר התנור

and its mouth [extended] into the airspace of the tanur,

השרץ בתנור

if a sheretz was in the tanur

משקה טופח

sufficient liquid to moisten (liquid sufficient to dampen another object that it comes into contact with is a minimum amount for certain rules of tumah to apply)

שבשולי החבית

that is on the bottom of the barrel (which is outside the airspace of the tanur)


is tahor.