מסכת כלים פרק ח משנה י | |
מגע טמא מת |
Someone, touched by someone else who was tamei from a cadaver, |
שהיו אכלין ומשקין |
that had food and drink |
לתוך פיו |
inside his mouth, |
הכניס ראשו |
inserted his head |
לאויר התנור טהור |
into the airspace of a tanur that was tahor, |
טמאוהו |
they [the food and drink] make it [the tanur] (rabbinically) tamei. |
וטהור |
And one who was tahor |
שהיו אכלין ומשקין |
that had food and drink |
לתוך פיו |
inside his mouth |
והכניס ראשו |
and inserted his head |
לאויר תנור טמא |
into the airspace of a tanur that was tamei, |
נטמאו |
they are made tamei. |
היה אוכל דבלה |
One was eating a pressed fig |
בידים מסואבות |
with soiled hands (i.e. hands that are rabbinically tamei, for, e.g. having touched a rishon l'tumah), |
הכניס ידו |
inserted his hand |
לתוך פיו |
into his mouth |
ליטול את הצרור |
to remove a pebble, |
רבי מאיר מטמא |
Rabbi Meir rules [the fig in his mouth] is tamei |
ורבי יהודה מטהר |
and Rabbi Yehuda rules it is tahor (they disagree on whether one's saliva still in one's mouth has the status of a beverage, which would contract and convey the tumah from his hand); |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says |
אם הפך טמא |
if he turned it over [the fig inside his mouth with his hand] it is tamei (as he hold only by moving it around does saliva get the status of a beverage), |
אם לא הפך טהור |
if he did not turn it over it is tahor. |
היה פנדיון לתוך פיו |
If there was a pundyon (a small coin) inside his mouth [together with the fig] |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says |
אם לצמאו טמא |
if it was for his thirst (one would place a coin in one's mouth to produce saliva) it [the fig] is tamei (as he deems the saliva generated to slake one's thirst by the coin to be a beverage). |
פרק ח משנה יא |
האשה |
A woman (who is a progenitor of tumah, such as if she came into contact with a cadaver) |
שנטף חלב מדדיה |
that milk dripped from her breasts |
ונפל לאויר התנור |
and fell into the airspace of a tanur, |
טמא |
[the tanur is] tamei (according to those who hold that human milk is only rabbinically considered a beverage, this tumah is also only rabbinical) |
שהמשקה מטמא |
as a beverage can impart tumah |
לרצון ושלא לרצון |
willingly or unwillingly. |
היתה גורפתו |
If she was sweeping it out [ashes from the tanur] |
והכתה הקוץ |
and a thorn struck her |
ויצא ממנה דם |
and she bled (and blood has the same status with regard to tumah as a beverage), |
או שנכוה |
or she was burned |
ונתנה אצבעה |
and put her finger |
לתוך פיה |
in her mouth (thus wetting it with saliva) |
נטמאת |
[the tanur] becomes tamei. |
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