מסכת כלים פרק ז משנה ו | |
כיצד משערין אותן |
How was this (the airspace between three pegs that protruded laterally from a kirah) measured? |
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר |
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: |
נותן את הכנה ביניהם |
one places the ruler between them (i.e. one draws a straight line from one peg, at the point that is three fingerbreadths laterally from the body of the kirah, to the same point on the next; when done with all three, this forms a triangle) |
מן הכנה ולחוץ |
from the ruler outward (i.e. inside the triangular area demarked by the lines drawn with the ruler) |
טהור |
is tahor; |
מן הכנה ולפנים |
from the ruler inward, |
ומקום הכנה |
and the space occupied by the ruler, |
טמא |
is tamei. |
פרק ח משנה א |
תנור |
A tanur |
שחצצו בנסרים |
that [had its interior] divided with boards |
או ביריעות |
or curtains, |
נמצא שרץ במקום אחד |
if a sheretz was found in one place (on one side of the partition) |
הכל טמא |
all of it is tamei (on either side of the partition). |
כורת |
A round basket (made of straw or reeds) |
פחותה |
that was missing a part of it (and so is no longer considered a utensil), |
ופקוקה בקש |
and [that void] was stuffed with straw (which is insufficient to restore its status as a utensil), |
ומשלשלת לאויר התנור |
and was suspended into the air of the tanur (but the mouth at the top of the basket was at or above the top of the tanur), |
השרץ בתוכה |
[if a] sheretz is inside it [the basket] |
התנור טמא |
the tanur is tamei (as the walls of the basket, which was not a utensil, does not shield it); |
השרץ בתנור |
[if] the sheretz was in the tanur, |
אכלין שבתוכה טמאין |
foods that were inside it [the basket] are tamei; |
ורבי אליעזר מטהר |
and Rabbi Eliezer rules it is tahor (with respect to the cases involving the basket in the oven). |
אמר רבי אליעזר |
Rabbi Eliezer says: |
אם הצילה במת |
if it protects in the case of a cadaver (where a similarly damaged basket lies halfway inside a house containing a corpse, with the baskets' mouth lying outside the house, the contents of the basket will not become tamei) |
החמור |
which is more stringent, |
לא תציל בכלי חרס הקל |
should it not protect in an earthenware utensil that is more lenient [when it contains a mere sheretz]? |
אמרו לו |
They said to him: |
אם הצילה במת החמור |
If it protects by a cadaver which is more stringent, |
שכן חולקים אהלים |
that is because we divide canopies (and those partitions are effective in blocking the spread of tumah), |
תציל בכלי חרס הקל |
should it protect by earthenware utensils that are more lenient |
שאין חולקין כלי חרס |
[even though] we don't divide earthenware utensils? |
נותן את הכנה ביניהם - According to the רמב"ם, the כמה is the base for a כירה, which was an earthenware circle three fingerbreadths wider than the כירה, and the mishna describes placing this base in the middle of the three pegs to measure a circular area within three fingerbreadths of the כירה.
החמור - A מת can render more items טמא than a שרץ can, and they remain טמא for a longer period of time
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