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מסכת כלים פרק ז משנה ד

היתה מופרשת

[If the courtyard] was separated

מן הכירה

from the kirah (i.e. they were not attached to each other),

בזמן שהיא גבוהה

when it[s rim] is as high as

שלש אצבעות

three fingerbreadths,

מטמא במגע ובאויר

is contract tumah by contact and airspace (it is still considered as one unit with the kirah),

פחותה מכאן

less than that,

או שהיתה חלקה

or if it was flat


it is tahor (meaning the kirah and the courtyard do not impart tumah to each other).

פטפוטי כירה

The pegs of a kirah (some say these served as legs on the bottom of the vessel, others say that they were on its top used to support an oversized pot),


three [pegs]

של שלש אצבעות

of three fingerbreadths

מטמאים במגע ובאויר

contract tumah by contact and airspace (they are like the kirah itself),

פחות מכאן

less than that

כל שכן הן טמאים

they are definitely tamei

ואפילו הן ארבעה

and even when they are four [in number].


פרק ז משנה ה

נטל אחד מהן

If one of them [the three pegs] were removed

מטמאין במגע

they contract tumah (rabbinically) by contact

ואינם מטמאים באויר

and they do not contract tumah by airspace,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי שמעון מטהר

Rabbi Shimon rules that they are tahor (even rabbinically).

עשה שנים

If one made two [pegs],

זה כנגד זה

one opposite the other (these are wider than usual, so that they do not make the kirah unstable),

מטמאין במגע ובאויר

they contract tumah by contact and by airspace,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי שמעון מטהר

Rabbi Shimon rules that they are tahor.

היו גבוהין

If they [the three pegs] were higher

משלש אצבעות

than three fingerbreadths,

משלש ולמטן

from three fingerbreadths and down (i.e. the three fingerbreadths closest to the stove)

מטמאין במגע ובאויר

they contract tumah by contact and by airspace,

משלש ולמעלן

from three and up

מיטמאין במגע

they contract tumah (rabbinically) by contact

ואינן מטמאין באויר

and they do not contract tumah by airspace,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי שמעון מטהר

Rabbi Shimon rules that they are tahor.

היו משוכים מן השפה

If they stuck out from the edge (if they projected laterally away from the body of the kirah, rather than just extending vertically)

בתוך שלש אצבעות

within three fingerbreadths (of the kirah)

מיטמאין במגע ובאויר they contract tumah by contact and by airspace,
חוץ משלש אצבעות outside of three fingerbreadths,
מיטמאים במגע

they contract tumah (rabbinically) by contact

ואין מיטמאים באויר

and they do not contract tumah by airspace,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

ורבי שמעון מטהר

Rabbi Shimon rules that they are tahor.


או שהיתה חלקה - Other interpretations of this have it referring to a flat חצר that is attached to the כירה, or a חצר that was originally attached but was then disconnected from the כירה.