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מסכת כלים פרק ה משנה ה
מוסף התנור

The extension to a tanur (this was a round earthenware attachment at the top of the stove or just inside its top, meant to conserve its heat)

של בעלי בתים

of householders


is tahor,

ושל נחתומין

and of professional bakers


is tamei



שהוא סומך עליו

he will support on it

את השפוד

the spit;

רבי יוחנן הסנדלר אומר

Rabbi Yochanan Hasandlar says



שהוא אופה בו

he will bake with it

כשהוא נדחק

when he is pressed [for space].

כיוצא בו


מוסף היורה

the extension of the kettle

של שולקי זיתים

of olive boilers (an earthenware rim added to the top of their vessels to allow them to voil greater amounts by prevent boilovers)


is tamei,

ושל צבעים

and of dyers


is tahor (as they did not want the dye to come into contact with the earthenware extension, as it would ruin the dye).


פרק ה משנה ו


A tanur

שנתן בו עפר

that had dirt placed in it

עד חציו

up to its midpoint

מעפר ולמטן

from the dirt on down

מטמא במגע

becomes tamei by contact [of the upper portion of the walls of the oven with a tamei object],

מעפר ולמעלן

from the dirt and up

מטמא באויר

becomes tamei by [entry of a tamei object into its] airspace (but below that does not become tamei).

נתנו על פי הבור

If one placed [an oven] over the mouth of a pit (which is created underground by digging)

או על פי הדות

or on the mouth of a cistern (which is made with masonry, some say above ground, some say below ground)

ונתן שם אבן

and placed a stone there (some say it is wedged between the pit or cistern and the oven, to keep the oven from falling in, other say that the stone was larger, and placed on the mouth, and the oven on the stone; there are yet other opinions as to what this arrangement is),

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

אם מסיק מלמטן

if he heated from below

והוא נסוק מלמעלן

and [the oven] is heated above (by its walls)


it is tamei,

וחכמים אומרים

and the Sages say

הואיל והוסק מכל מקום

since it was heated from anywhere


it is tamei.


רבי יהודה אומר - The disagreement here is whether, when heated for the first time, an oven will be מקבל טומאה if it was not connected to the ground.  ר"י holds that it must be connected to the ground when heated for the first time, and unless the heat came up from below it, the תנור is not considered attached to the בור or דות and therefore not attached to the ground.