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מסכת כלים פרק ה משנה א

A tanur (an oven shaped like a conical pot, this was made of earthenware covered in clay and lacked a bottom, and rested on the ground),

תחלתו ארבעה

its beginning [for it to be considered a vessel susceptible to tumah] is with [a height of]  four [handbreadths],

ושיריו ארבעה

and its remnants four (if broken, the remnants must be four handbreadths high to retain the ability to become tamei),

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

וחכמים אומרים

and the Sages say,

במה דברים אמורים

by what are we speaking,


by a large [tanur]

אבל בקטן

but with a small [tanur]

תחילתו כל שהוא

its beginning is the smalled amount

ושיריו רבו

and its remnants are its majority;

משתגמר מלאכתו

[the above rule applies] from when its manufacture is complete.

איזהו גמר מלאכתו

What is the completion of its manufacture?


From when one heats it

כדי לאפות בו סופגנין

enough to bake in it sponge cakes (which had a thin, watery batter, and required a relatively low heat);

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

משיסיק את החדש

when you heat a new [tanur] (which did not retain heat as well)

כדי לאפות בישן

sufficiently to bake in an old [tanur] (which retained more heat, and so required less of it)


sponge cakes.


פרק ה משנה ב


A kirah (a cylindrical oven, this was also made of earthenware and lacked a bottom, rested on the ground, and could hold two pots at a time, some say inside it, some say on top of it as well; this vessel did not get as hot as a tanur),

תחילתה שלש

its beginning is with three [finger-breadths]

ושיריה שלש

and its remnants are are three [finger-breadths],

משתגמר מלאכתה

from when its manufacture is complete.

איזהו גמר מלאכתה

What is the completion of its manufacture?


From when one heats it

כדי לבשל עליה

to cook on it

ביצה קלה שבביצים

the most easily cooked egg to cook

טרופה ונתונה באלפס

[which has been] beaten and put in a [preheated] stewpot.


A kupach (this was a cylindrical earthenware cooking vessel which could be used as a stove or an oven, could hold one pot, and got hotter than a kirah),

עשאו לאפיה

if made for baking,

שעורו כתנור

its measure is as of a tanur,

עשאו לבשול

if made for cooking,

שעורו ככירה

its measure is as of a kirah.


The stone (this was embedded into the outside of a cooking vessel to serve as a handle; some say this was the coating on the outside of the earthenware vessel made of stones and clay, to protect and insulate it)

היוצא מן התנור

that extended from a tanur


a handbreadth

ומן הכירה

and from a kirah

שלש אצבעות

three finger-breadths


is a connected (such that it has the status of a yad and will contract tumah when the rest of the vessel does and will impart tumah to food);

היוצא מן הכופח

that which extends from a kupach,

עשאו לאפיה

if made for baking,

שיעורו כתנור

its measure is as of a tanur,

עשאו לבישול

if made for cooking,

שיעורו ככירה

its measure is as of a kirah;

אמר רבי יהודה

Rabbi Yehuda says

לא אמרו טפח

they did not say [the measure of] a handbreadth

אלא בין התנור ולכותל

but for that which is between the tanur and the wall (of the house; when it did not extend into the space between the tanur and the wall of the house, then it could be even longer and retain the status of a yad).

היו שני תנורין

If there were two tanurin

סמוכין זה לזה

next to each other

נותן לזה טפח

to this one is given a handbreadth

ולזה טפח

and to this one a handbreadth,

והשאר טהור

and the rest (that which is not within a handbreadth of either tanur) is tahor.