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מסכת כלים פרק ד משנה א

An earthenware shard (that  was broken off from a larger utensil and can hold the minimum shiur of liquid for it to be susceptible to tumah)

שאינו יכול לעמוד

that cannot stand

מפני אזנו

due to [the weight of] its handle

או שהיה בו חדוד

or if it had a protrusion

והחדוד מכריעו

and the protrusion tilts it,


is tahor.

נטלה האזן

If the handle was removed

נשבר החדוד

or the protrusion broke off,


it is tahor (because once tahor, a fragment cannot become tamei);

ורבי יהודה מטמא

Rabbi Yehuda rules it is tamei.

חבית שנפחתה

A barrel that is missing a piece (such that it cannot hold liquids when upright)

והיא מקבלת על דפנותיה

and it can hold [items] in its walls,

או שנחלקה

or it split [such that it is now shaped]

כמין שתי ערבות

like two troughs,

רבי יהודה מטהר

Rabbi Yehuda rules is tahor (as he holds that a barrel is not used to store items while on its side),

וחכמים מטמאין

and the Sages rule is tamei (as they hold a barrel would occasionally be used to store items while on its side).


פרק ד משנה ב

חבית שנתרעעה

A barrel that has cracked

ואינה יכולה להטלטל

and cannot be moved

בחצי קב גרוגרות

while [holding] a half-kav (~0.6 to 1.2 liters) of dried figs


is tahor.

גסטרא שנתרעעה

A ruined vessel (made of earthenware, as described later this still has some, but not all, of its original utility) that (further) cracked

ואינה מקבלת משקין

and cannot hold liquids,

אף על פי

even though

שהיא מקבלת אכלין

it can hold food,


is tahor

שאין שירין לשירין

as there are no remnants of remnants (i.e., once ruined, any further ruin removes such from the status of being a vessel that is susceptible to tumah).