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מסכת כלים פרק ג משנה א
שעור כלי חרס לטהר

The measure of [a hole in the bottom of] an earthenware vessel that will render it tahor [is as follows:]

העשוי לאכלין

That which was made for food,

שעורו בזתים

its measure is with [a hole large enough to pass through it] olives;

העשוי למשקין

that which was made for liquids,

שעורו במשקין

its measure is with [a hole large enough to allow into the vessel] liquids;

העשוי לכך ולכך

that which was made for this [food] and that [liquids]

מטילין אותו לחמרו בזיתים

we take it to the stringent [measure] of olives.


פרק ג משנה ב


An [earthenware] barrel,

שעורה בגרוגרות

its measure [of a hole large enough to render it tahor] is with dried figs,

דברי רבי שמעון

these are the words of Rabbi Shimon;

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says,


with nuts

רבי מאיר אומר

Rabbi Meir says


with olives.

הלפס והקדרה

The stewpot and cooking pot,

שעורן בזיתים

their measures are with olives.

הפך והטפי

The flask and the narrow-necked pitcher (usually used for oil),

שעורן בשמן

their measures are with oil;


and the tzartzur (a pitcher with a long neck, usually used for water)

שיעורו במים

its measure is with water;

רבי שמעון אומר

Rabbi Shimon says

שלשתן בזרעונים

All three (the flask, long-necked pitcher and tzartzur) are with seeds (which they are sometimes used to store).


A lamp,

שעורו בשמן

its measure is with oil;

רבי אליעזר אומר

Rabbi Eliezer says

בפרוטה קטנה

with a small coin (such are sometimes stored in a lamp).

נר שניטל פיו

A lamp whose mouth has been removed (these lamps are bowl shaped, with one opening at the top for oil to be added, and a second smaller hole in a projection from the side in for the wick; this projection and its hole is the mouth)


is tahor;

ושל אדמה

and [a lamp made] of earth (i.e. clay that has not been fired in a kiln)

שהסק פיו בפתילה

whose mouth has been fired with the wick


is tahor (as the lamp is still considered unfinished).


שעורו במשקין - This measure, a hole large enough to let in liquid from outside the כלי, is larger than a hole which would allow liquids to leak out of the כלי.

העשוי לכך ולכך - Some say that this refers to something like a pot, made to hold both liquids and solids a the same time.  Others say the case of a pot is addressed in the next mishnah, and that here the חדוש is that this measure applies even to a vessel which is used sometimes for liquids and sometimes for solids.; even though one could say that he intended to use it for liquids, which has the smaller שעור, nevertheless we are מחמיר.

והצרצור - See פרק ב משנה ב for a more detailed description of this כלי.