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מסכת כלים

פרק כט משנה ח

שירי חרחור מלמטן

The remnants of the lower blade (this refers to the lower end of a cattle prod, which had a hoe-like blade for digging up roots),


seven (handbreadths of it are considered an attachment; see 29:6 for the differing opinions on how to interpret 'remnants' as used here);

יד מגרפה

the handle of the fire shovel

של בעלי בתים

of householders (used to clean out ashes from a stove or oven),

בית שמאי אומרים שבעה

Beis Shammai say seven,

בית הלל אומרים שמונה

Beis Hillel say eight;

ושל סידין

and (the handle of the shovel) of plasterers

בית שמאי אומרים תשעה

Beis Shammai say nine,

בית הלל אומרים עשרה

Beis Hillel say ten;

יתר מכן

more than that,

אם רצה לקים טמא

if he wants to keep it is tamei (i.e. if the user wants a longer than usual handle, it is considered an attachment);

ויד משמשי האור

and the handle of items used with fire

כל שהן

any amount.


פרק ל משנה א

כלי זכוכית

Glass utensils,

פשוטיהן טהורין

the flat ones are tahor,

ומקבליהן טמאין

and the ones that have receptacles are tamei (though only rabbinically);

נשברו טהרו

if they break they become tahor,

חזר ועשה מהן כלים

if they are remade into utensils

מקבלין טמאה מכאן ולהבא

they can become tamei from that point on (but do not retain their previous tumah).


A table (made from a flat piece of glass)


and a salver (an ornate tray; in the case of this mishnah, it had a hollow base, and was perhaps similar in appearance to a modern-day cake stand)

של זכוכית

that are of glass


are tahor,

אם יש להן לזבז

if they have a rim


they are tamei.

שולי קערה

The bottom of a plate

ושולי האסקוטלא

and the bottom of a salver

של זכוכית

of glass

שהתקינן לתשמיש

that one designated for use (this refers to a plate or utensil that had a rim on their bottom that served as their base, and in this case the top of the utensil broke and one intends to turn it upside down and use the receptacle on the bottom as a utensil)


they are tahor (as the top has jagged edges that would likely cut one while using it);


if he smoothed them

או שפן בשופין

or filed them with a file (these refer to where one sanded down the jagged edges left by the broken upper part),


they are tamei.


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל