מסכת כלים פרק כח משנה ו |
מטלית שטליה על הקפה |
A patch (that was tamei midras) that was attached to a basket (which is not susceptible to becoming tamei midras; the patch then looses its status as an independent object) |
מטמא אחד |
(the combination of the two items) imparts tumah to one item (i.e. it is regarded as something that has come into contact with something that was tamei midras, or a rishon l'tumah, and has the power to render food it touches tamei) |
ופוסלת אחד |
and invalidates one (that is, the food it comes into contact with it would, as a sheini l'tumah, invalidate any terumah that it in turn touches); |
הפרישה מן הקפה |
if it is removed from the basket, |
הקופה מטמאה אחד ופוסלת אחד |
the basket imparts tumah to one and invalidates one (that is to say, it remains a rishon), |
והמטלית טהורה |
and the patch is tahor; |
טליה על הבגד |
if it was attached to a cloth |
מטמאה שנים ופוסלת אחד |
it imparts tumah to two and invalidates one (the combined item, which is of the same material as the patch, assumes the status of the patch, which as something tamei midras, an av hatumah, can make another item tamei for contacting it, that item as a rishon can in turn can render food it touches tamei, and that food, as a sheini, can invalidate terumah); |
הפרישה מן הבגד |
if it was separated from the cloth, |
הבגד מטמא אחד ופוסל אחד |
the imparts tumah to one and invalidates one (as its status as an av was solely for being one with the patch), |
והמטלית מטמא שנים ופוסלת אחד |
and the patch imparts tumah to two and invalidates one; |
וכן הטולה על השק |
and similarly if one attached it to sackcloth |
או על העור |
or to hide, |
דברי רבי מאיר |
these are the words of Rabbi Meir; |
ורבי שמעון מטהר |
and Rabbi Shimon rules they are tahor (as he deems a cloth patch attached to a different material, like leather, is akin to a patch attached to a basket); |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says |
על העור טהור |
on hide it is tahor |
על השק טמא |
on sackcloth it is tamei |
מפני שהוא אריג |
as it is woven. |
פרק כח משנה ז |
שלש על שלש שאמרו |
The three by three (fingerbreadths) that was referred to (as the minimum size of cloth to be susceptible to tumah), |
חוץ מן המלל |
excludes the hem (that is to say, when sewn as a patch, the edges of the material would be folded over to create a smooth edge; this extra bit is not counted as part of the three square fingerbreadths), |
דברי רבי שמעון |
these are the words of Rabbi Shimon; |
וחכמים אומרים |
and the Sages say |
שלש על שלש מכונות |
exactly three by three (including the extra bit required for the hem). |
טליה על הבגד מרוח אחת |
(If a patch) was attached to the clothing from one side (i.e. only one edge of the patch was sewn on), |
אינו חבור |
it is not (considered to be) attached; |
משתי רוחות זו כנגד זו |
from two sides opposite each other, |
חבור |
it is (considered to be) attached; |
עשאו כמין גם |
if it was made like a gamma (the Greek letter a gamma resembles an upside-down "L") |
רבי עקיבה מטמא |
Rabbi Akiva rules it is tamei (it is considered to be attached) |
וחכמים מטהרין |
and the Sages rule it is tahor. |
אמר רבי יהודה |
Rabbi Yehudah says, |
במה דברים אמורים |
by what are we speaking? |
בטלית |
By a cloak. |
אבל בחלוק |
but by a shirt, |
מלמעלן חבור |
(if attached by one side) from above, it is (considered to be) attached (as a shirt would not be worn upside-down, and so the patch would not fall open), |
מלמטן אינו חבור |
from below it is not (considered to be) attached. |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל