מסכת כלים פרק כח משנה ב |
פחות משלשה על שלשה |
Less than three by three (handbreadths of cloth) |
שהתקינו |
that was designated |
לפוק בו את המרחץ |
to plug with it the bath (some say that this refers to holes in the walls of the bathhouse, others that it is the drain of the tub), |
לנער בו את הקדרה |
to pour with it the pot (i.e. to use as a potholder), |
לקנח בו את הרחים |
(or) to wipe clean the millstone (from dust), |
בין מוכן |
whether prepared (by placing it on a peg for this purpose) |
בין שאינו מוכן |
whether not prepared (by being placed behind a door), |
טמא |
is tamei (as, while these uses are insignificant, the cloth has not been treated with the disregard of being thrown in the trash, and so still has some value), |
דברי רבי אליעזר |
these are the words of Rabbi Eliezer; |
רבי יהושוע אומר |
Rabbi Yehoshua says |
בין מן המוכן |
whether prepared |
בין שאינו מן המוכן |
whether not prepared, |
טהור |
it is tahor (since the cloth was not stored in a chest, which it would have been if it was still valued); |
רבי עקיבה אומר |
Rabbi Akiva says |
מן המוכן טמא |
when prepared it is tamei, |
שאינו מן המוכן טהור |
that which is not prepared is tahor. |
פרק כח משנה ג |
העושה אספלנית |
One who made a poultice (a soft, moist mass of material, sometimes comprised of oil, fat, or butter mixed with wax, spread on a cloth or other material and applied to the body to relieve wounds, soreness or inflammation) |
בין בבגד בין בעור |
whether with a cloth, whether with hide |
טהורה |
it is tahor (the cloth or hide is considered ruined by being soiled for this use); |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says |
על העור טהור |
for the hide it is tahor (as he held that could not be cleaned, as opposed to the cloth which could); |
מלוגמה |
a masticated poultice (comprised of figs, wheat and flour that has been chewed before being spread on the cloth or leather), |
בבגד טהורה |
on cloth is tahor (as it could not be cleaned off) |
ובעור טמאה |
and on hide is tamei (as it could be cleaned); |
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר |
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, |
אף בבגד טמאה |
also on a cloth will be tamei, |
מפני שהיא ננערת |
as it can be shaken off (after it dries). |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל