מסכת כלים פרק כז משנה ח |
וכן |
And similarly |
בגד |
a cloth |
שארג בו שלש על שלש |
that was (initially) woven (to precisely) three by three (fingerbreadths in size) |
ונטמא טמא מת |
and incurred the tumah of a corpse, |
והשלים עליו |
and was (then) completed (by weaving) upon it |
את כל הבגד |
the entire garment (which shared its tumah from a corpse), |
ואחר כך |
and after that |
נטל חוט אחד מתחלתו |
one thread from its beginning was removed (meaning the initial piece that was three by three is now smaller than the minimum amount to have the tumah from a corpse) |
טהור מטמא מת |
is tahor from the tumah from a corpse, |
אבל טמא מגע טמא מת |
but is tamei for contact with something that was tamei from a corpse. |
נטל חוט אחד מתחלתו |
If ne thread from its beginning was removed (after it was tamei from a corpse) |
ואחר כך |
and after that |
השלים עליו את כל הבגד |
the entire garment was completed upon it, |
טהור |
it is tahor, |
מפני שאמרו |
as they said, |
שלש על שלש שנתמעטה |
(an piece of cloth measuring) three by three (fingerbreadths) that was reduced |
טהורה |
is tahor, |
אבל שלשה על שלשה שנתמעט |
but (a piece of cloth measuring) three by three (handbreadths) that was reduced, |
אף על פי |
even though |
שטהר מן המדרס |
it is tahor from midras |
טמא בכל הטמאות |
it is (still susceptible to becoming) tamei with all (other) forms of tumah. |
פרק כז משנה ט |
סדין |
A sheet (designed for laying upon) |
שהוא טמא מדרס |
that was tamei midras, |
ועשאו וילון |
and was made into a curtain (which, as it is not made to be laid upon, is not susceptible to the tumah of midras) |
טהור מן המדרס |
is tahor from midras |
אבל טמא מגע מדרס |
but is tamei for contact with something that was midras. |
אמר רבי יוסי |
Rabbi Yosi said, |
וכי באיזה מדרס נגע זה |
"And why, with which midras did this come into contact with? |
אלא אם כן נגע בו הזב |
Rather, only if the zav touches it |
טמא במגע הזב |
it it tamei for contact for being in contact with the zav." |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל