מסכת כלים פרק כו משנה ג |
כף לוקטי קוצים |
The glove of thorn-gatherers (this was made of leather to protect the hand of one who would gather thorny wood; some say it was not glove shaped, but rather a flat leather protective pad tied to the hand) |
טהורה |
is tahor (as it was not made to contain anything). |
הזון |
The support belt (this was a wide belt made of leather) |
והברכיר |
and a kneepad (also of leather) |
טמאין |
are tamei (it is unclear where or how exactly, but apparently these items had receptacles; though some say they are rabbinically tamei as they appear to have the form of a utensil; others say they are considered garments, and not mere protective gear, and so do not require a receptacle) |
השרוולים |
Protective sleeves (these went over the forearm and were of leather) |
טמאין |
are tamei (rabbinically, as they have the appearance of utensils). |
והפרקלימין |
And the headbands (leather strips used to protect the head) |
טהורין |
are tahor. |
וכל בית אצבעות |
And all gloves |
טהורות |
are tahor |
חוץ משל קיצים |
except for those of branch gatherers (some interpret this as summer fruit gatherers) |
מפני שהיא מקבלת את האוג |
because it holds the (berries of the) sumac tree; |
נקרעה |
if it tore, |
אם אינה מקבלת את רב האוג |
if it cannot hold most of the (berry of the) sumac tree, |
טהורה |
it is tahor. |
פרק כו משנה ד |
סנדל |
A sandal (made of leather, it was comprised of a hard sole, a loop that went over the toes, a pair of flaps that went up from either side of the middle of the sole and were tied to each other over the middle of the foot with a cord, and a heel-cup) |
שנפסקה אחת מאזניו |
that one of its middle straps tore off (after it became tamei midras, but it can still be worn after this flap came off, by tying the remaining flap with its string over the foot to the sole on the opposite side), |
ותקנה |
and one fixed it (by replacing the flap), |
טמא מדרס |
(it remains) tamei midras. |
נפסקה שניה |
If the second one (subsequently) tore off |
ותקנה |
and one fixed it |
טהור מן המדרס |
it is tahor from midras (as what remains of the original sandal could not be used without the newly attached flaps), |
אבל טמא מגע מדרס |
but it is tamei due to contact with an item that was tamei midras (this is the status of a rishon l'tumah; the first replacement strap contracted tumah as an rishon hatumah when it was reattached to the still functional and tamei midras sandal, and then was able to impart its status as a rishon to the rest of the sandal, including the newly attached opposite flap), |
לא הספיק |
if he did not have an opportunity |
לתקן את הראשונה |
to fix the first |
עד שנפסקה שניה |
before the second tore off, |
טהורה |
they are tahor. |
נפסק עקבו |
If the heel cup was torn off, |
נטל חטמו |
or the toe-strap was removed, |
או שנחלק לשנים |
or if (the toe-strap) split in two, |
טהור |
it is tahor. |
סולים |
A solyam (this footwear had a leather sole attached to the foot with straps that wound around the foot) |
שנפסק מכל מקום |
that tore in any place (which rendered this flimsier footwear unusable) |
טהור |
is tahor. |
מנעל |
A shoe (this resembled a modern shoe in that it enclosed the front of the foot, but it had flaps like that of a sandal that tied together over the top of the middle of the foot, and was completely open in the back, without even a heel cup, like a modern slipper) |
שנפחת |
that was damaged |
אם אינו מקבל |
if it cannot hold |
את רוב הרגל |
most of the foot (that is if the front enclosed part no longer encloses most of the top of the foot) |
טהור |
it is tahor. |
מנעל שעל האמום |
A shoe that is on the last (the leather form that the shoemaker builds the shoe around), |
רבי אליעזר מטהר |
Rabbi Eliezer says is tahor (as he holds its manufacture is not complete until it is removed from the last) |
וחכמים מטמאין |
and the Sages rule it is tamei (as this step does not require the skill of a craftsman). |
כל חמתות צרורות |
All tied waterskins (i.e. if punctured and repaired by tying the hole shut) |
טהורות |
are tahor (because such repairs are temporary), |
חוץ משל ערביין |
except that (tied with the sturdier knot) of Arabs; |
רבי מאיר אומר |
Rabbi Meir says |
צרור שעה |
if tied temporarily (with a knot meant to be opened eventually) |
טהורות |
they are tahor, |
צרור עולם |
if tied permanently, |
טמאות |
they are tamei; |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says, |
כל חמתות צרורות |
all tied waterskins |
טהורות |
are tahor. |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל