מסכת כלים פרק כה משנה ח |
כיצד |
How is this (what is the concept stated in the previous mishnah, of the tahor hands)? |
היו ידיו טהורות |
If one's hands were tahor |
ואחורי הכוס טמאים |
and the exterior of the cup was tamei, |
אחזו בבית צביעתו |
and one held it by the fingerholds |
אינו חושש |
he need not worry |
שמא נטמאו ידיו |
that perhaps his hand became tamei |
באחורי הכוס |
from the exterior of the cup. |
היה שותה בכוס |
If one was drinking from a cup |
שאחוריו טמאים |
whose exterior was tamei, |
אינו חושש |
he need not worry |
שמא נטמא משקה שבפיו |
that perhaps the liquid in his mouth became tamei |
באחורי הכוס |
from the exterior of the cup |
וחזר וטימא את הכוס |
and went back and rendered the cup tamei. |
קמקום שהוא מרתיח |
A kettle that is boiling, |
אינו חושש |
one need not worry |
שמא יצאו משקין מתוכו |
that perhaps liquid went out from inside of it |
ונגעו באחוריו |
and touched its exterior |
וחזרו לתוכו |
and returned inside it. |
פרק כה משנה ט |
כלי הקדש |
Utensil for use with kodesh (for use with food from sacrifices) |
אין להם אחורים ותוך |
do not have an exterior or interior (both are treated the same, and any contact with a tamei liquid will render the entire vessel tamei) |
ואין להם בית צביעה |
and they do not have fingerholds (that are treated differently than their interiors). |
ואין מטבילין |
And we do not immerse |
כלים בתוך כלים לקדש |
utensils inside utensils for use with kodesh (the vessels must be separated completely to prevent the possibility of one covering the other while being immersed). |
כל הכלים |
All utensils |
יורדין לידי טמאתן במחשבה |
become susceptible to tumah by thought (e.g. the ring of an animal, which is normally not susceptible to tumah, that one had in mind to wear it oneself, becomes susceptible as an ordinary ring for a person; the same would go for a vessel that has not been finished to the usual degree that one intends to use in that state), |
ואינן עולים מידי טמאתן |
and do not become impervious from tumah |
אלא בשנוי מעשה |
except through a physical change, |
שהמעשה מבטל מיד המעשה |
as an act nullifies an act |
ומיד המחשבה |
and a thought, |
והמחשבה אינה מבטלת |
but the thought does not nullify |
לא מיד מעשה |
neither the act |
ולא מיד מחשבה |
nor the thought. |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל