מסכת כלים פרק כה משנה ו |
כני כלים |
The bases of utensils, |
והגניהם |
and their rims (which project outward from the vessel), |
ואזניהם |
and their ears (loop-shaped handles), |
וידות הכלים המקבלין |
and the (stick-like) handles, of utensils that can hold items (i.e. vessels that are not flat but which have receptacle), |
שנפלו עליהן משקין |
that (tamei) liquids fell on them, |
מנגבן והם טהורים |
one dries them and they are tahor (as these components are treated even more leniently than their exteriors); |
ושאר כל הכלים |
and all other utensils |
שאין להן אחורים ותוך |
that do not have exteriors or interiors |
שנפלו משקין על מקצתו |
that (tamei) liquids fell on part of them (included the parts listed at the beginning of this mishnah), |
כלו טמא |
they are entirely tamei. |
כלי שנטמאו אחוריו במשקין |
A utensil whose exterior was made tamei by liquids, |
אחוריו טמאין |
its exterior is tamei |
תוכו |
its interior, |
ואוגנו |
and its rim, |
ואוזנו |
and its ears |
וידיו |
and its handles |
טהורין |
are tahor. |
נטמא תוכו |
If its interior became tamei, |
כלו טמא |
its entirety is tamei. |
פרק כה משנה ז |
כל הכלים |
All utensils |
יש להן אחורים ותוך |
have an exterior and an interior, |
ויש להן בית צביעה |
and have a fingerhold. (If a utensil has an indentation in its exterior for one's fingers, that spot has its own status separate from the rest of the exterior, and if tamei liquid touches it it is tamei and the rest of the exterior is tahor, and if the liquid touched the rest of the exterior, it remains tahor.) |
רבי טרפון אומר |
Rabbi Tarfon says |
לערבה גדולה של עץ |
(this rule was said with regard) to a large wooden trough (as this utensil, due to its size, was always lifted by its fingerhold). |
רבי עקיבה אומר |
Rabbi Akiva says |
לכוסות |
(this rule was said with regard) to cups. |
רבי מאיר אומר |
Rabbi Meir says |
לידים הטמאות והטהורות |
(this rule was said with regard) to tamei hands (that is, this distinction was applied only to liquids that came into contact with a person's hands that are rabbinically considered secondarily tamei, or a sheini l'tumah) and tahor hands (this refers to a rabbinical decree that confers tumah to one's hands if they touch a tamei object, such as the exterior or fingerhold of a utensil). |
אמר רבי יוסי |
Rabbi Yosi said |
לא אמרו |
they did not say (this rule) |
אלא לידים הטהורות בלבד |
but with regard to tahor hands alone (but if one touches the exterior with liquids that had contacted tamei hands, the fingerhold would be tamei as well). |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל