מסכת כלים פרק כד משנה ז |
שלש פנקסיות הן |
There are three types of ledgers (this can refer to many devices similar to the ledgers of the mishnah, which were comprised of a hinged pair of boards): |
האפיפורין |
An aphiphorin (a ledger that was covered with sand in which figures were traced; though Rambam defines this as a type of folding seat with a hinged pair of panels) |
טמאה מדרס |
[is susceptible to] the tumah of midras (according to those that say that this was a type of ledger, it was also used at times only as a seat); |
ושיש בה בית קיבול שעוה |
and that which has a receptacle for wax (into which one could inscribe figures, and then erase them by smoothing out the wax) |
טמאה טמא מת |
it is [susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse; |
וחלקה |
and a smooth one (which was just a board onto which one would write with pen an ink) |
טהורה מכלום |
is tahor from anything (as it lacked a receptacle). |
פרק כד משנה ח |
שלש מטות הן |
There are three types of beds: |
העשויה לשכיבה |
that which is made for laying upon |
טמאה מדרס |
is susceptible to] the tumah of midras; |
של זגגים |
that of glassmakers (this was a soft surface upon which newly manufactured and delicate glassware was placed) |
טמאה טמא מת |
it is [susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (some say that it had rims that gave it a receptacle, others hold that this is tamei only rabbinically as it was similar to a receptacle); |
ושל סרגים |
and that of saragin (this was similar to the bed frame of the previous mishnahs; some say it was used to make nets, others that it was used to manufacture chariots, and yet others say it was used to put together the harnesses for horses) |
טהורה מכלום |
is tahor from anything (as according to all opinions it lacked a receptacle). |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל