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מסכת כלים

פרק כד משנה טו

שלשה פרקלינין הן

There are three types of gauntlets:

של צדי חיה ועוף

for hunting animals and birds (i.e. falconers, who hunted with trained falcons that would rest on their gauntleted hand)

טמא מדרס

[are susceptible to] the tumah of midras (as the falconer would used his gauntleted hand to support himself when traversing rough terrain, though some say this gauntlet was so substantial that it would be sat or slept upon);

של חגבין

for locusts (this was used in gathering locusts)

טמא טמא מת

[are susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (as the locusts would be gathered inside of the glove);

ושל קיצין

and for summer-fruit dryers (some this refers to thorn gatherers)

טהור מכלום

is tahor from anything (as it is only worn to protect the hand).


פרק כד משנה טז

שלש סבכות הן

There are three types of hairnets:

של ילדה

for a young woman

טמאה טמאת מדרס

[is susceptible to] the tumah of midras; (as at times it would be sat or slept upon)

של זקנה

for an old woman

טמאה טמא מת

[is susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (as its material or contraction was such that it was impractical to sit on them, either because this would ruin them or because they were not comfortable);

ושל יוצאת לחוץ

and for one who goes out

טהורה מכלום

is tahor from anything (due to its relatively smaller size).


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל