מסכת כלים פרק כד משנה יא |
שלש חמתות |
There are three types of waterskins |
ושלש תרמלין הן |
and three types of shepherd's pouches: |
המקבלים בשעור |
Those that hold the amount prescribed (this refers to the measures previously set forth in 20:1, for waterskins seven kavs and shepherd's pouches five kavs); |
טמאין מדרס |
[are susceptible to] the tumah of midras; |
ושאינן מקבלים בשעור |
and those that do not hold the prescribed amount |
טמאה טמא מת |
[are susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse; |
ושל עור הדג |
and that of fish skin |
טהור מכלום |
is tahor from anything (as this material is completely impervious to tumah). |
פרק כד משנה יב |
שלשה עורות הן |
There are three types of animal hides: |
העשוי לשטיח |
that which is made for a rug (some say people would sit on this type of rug) |
טמא מדרס |
[is susceptible to] the tumah of midras; |
לתכריך הכלים |
for wrapping utensils |
טמאה טמא מת |
[is susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (when folded or wrapped about the utensil, these were formed into a receptacle); |
ושל רצועות |
and [hides prepared for use] as straps |
ושל סנדלים |
and for sandals |
טהור מכלום |
is tahor from anything (leather straps and sandals are susceptible to tumah; the mishnah here is referring to the piece of animal skin that has been prepared for these uses, but has not yet been cut to the requisite size and shape). |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל