מסכת כלים פרק ב משנה ג | |
הטהורין שבכלי חרס | The tahor of earthenware utensils are (these cannot become tamei): |
טבלא שאין לה לזבז | A tray without a rim; |
ומחתה פרוצה | and an open fireplace shovel; |
ואבוב של קלאין | and a roaster's pan; |
וסילונות | and pipes, |
אף על פי כפופין | even though they are bent, |
אף על פי מקבלין | even though they are capable of containing [liquids]; |
וכבכב | and a lid |
שעשאו לסל הפת | made for a bread basket; |
וטפי | and a narrow-necked pitcher |
שהתקינו לענבים | that was modified to [cover a basket of] grapes; |
וחבית של שיטין | and a barrel for [teaching] swimmers; |
וחבית |
and a barrel[-shaped handle] |
דפונה בשולי המחץ | that was set into the bottom of a machatz (a large earthenware vessel); |
והמטה והכסא | and a bed; and a chair; |
והספסל והשלחן | and a bench; and a table; |
והספינה | and a boat; |
והמנורה של חרס | and a candelabra of earthenware; |
הרי אלו טהורים | these are tahor. |
זה הכלל | This is the rule: |
כל שאין לו תוך |
any which do not have an interior (shaped such that it would make it susceptible to tumah) |
בכלי חרס | from earthenware utensils |
אין לו אחורים | have no exterior (i.e. are not susceptible to the rabbinically imposed tumah that affects only the exterior of objects that come into contact with a rishon l'tumah). |
פרק א משנה ד |
פנס | An earthenware lantern |
שיש בו | that has in it |
בית קבול שמן | a receptacle for oil |
טמא | is tamei |
ושאין בו טהור | and that which does not have this in it is tahor. |
מגופת היוצרין | A potter's form |
שהוא פותח בה | which he begins with |
טהורה | is tahor |
ושהוא גומר בה | and that which he finishes with |
טמאה | is tamei. |
משפך | A funnel |
של בעלי בתים | of householders |
טהור | is tahor; |
ושל רוכלין | and that of peddlers |
טמא | is tamei |
מפני שהוא של מדה | as it is for measuring, |
דברי רבי יהודה בן בתירה | these are the words of Rabbi Yehuda ben B'Seira; |
רבי עקיבה אומר | Rabbi Akiva says |
מפני שהוא מטהו על צדו | because he tilts it on its side |
ומריח בו ללוקח | and allows the buyer to smell [from it]. |
טבלא שאין לה לזבז - This cannot become טמא as it has no portion that can contain a liquid, or a בית קבל.
ומחתה פרוצה - This also lacks a בית קבל. According to some it is perfectly flat, others say that it does have a rim, but there is a hole in that rime, and yet others say that the front end is open, like one would see on a modern shovel.
ואבוב של קלאין - This was used to roast beans or grains. Some say that it was flat, others that it had walls, but also perforations in its bottom, and yet others say it was pot shaped, but perforated.
וסילונות - Even if the pipe is U-shaped, and can therefore hold liquids, or if it was straight but a part of its inner wall corroded such that there is now an indentation inside which can also hold liquids, since it was not designed for this purpose, it cannot become טמא. However, if the indentation in the wall was intentional made to trap pebbles, then it would become טמא.
וכבכב - Even though this type of cover was often tall and if turned upside down would have a בית קבל, since it was made to be a cover and not a receptacle, it cannot become טמא.
וטפי - Originally, this pitcher was מקבל טומאה, but since it was physically modified to be used as a lid, and not a receptacle, it no longer is.
וחבית של שיטין - This is meant for use as a floatation device, and not as a receptacle.
וחבית דפונה בשולי המחץ - Because this handle is barrel shaped, it has a בית קבל.
והמטה . . . והשלחן - The point of mentioning these normally flat objects is to distinguish them from identical such objects which, when made of other materials, would be susceptible to טומאה of דריסה.
והספינה - Even though it is made to contain objects, a boat is not susceptible to טומאה, as for reasons set forth in מסכת שבת, פרק ט משנה ב.
והמנורה - One might think that since it is made to be a receptacle for lamps, it could become טמא even if it has no בית קבל.
פנס - These ball-shaped device had perforated walls, meant to partially shield the נר inside from the wind, while allowing the light out. Like a מנורה, merely because it is meant to hold a נר is not enough, it must be meant to hold the oil itself.
מגופת היוצרין - This was a form that the pottery would be shaped around; the one made for finishing had a rim and therefore a בית קבל, the one used to start with did not.
משפך - The householder's funnel has no בית קבל; a peddler however would stopper the bottom of his funnel when filling it, to use it as a measure for dispensing precise amounts of liquid. Thus, according to רבי יהודה בן בתירה, it is used as a recepticle, and therefore טמא. However, רבי עקיבה argues and says that a peddler's funnel was actually shaped differently, with walls that bulged in a manner meant to contain liquids for smelling when tilted.