מסכת כלים פרק כב משנה ח |
שדה |
A bin |
שנטל העליון |
that had its top removed |
טמאה מפני התחתון |
is tamei because of the bottom (which can still be used as a receptacle); |
נטל התחתון |
if the bottom was removed |
טמאה מפני העליון |
it is tamei because of the top (the lid had its own receptacle); |
ניטל העליון והתחתון |
if the top and the bottom were removed, |
רבי יהודה מטמא |
Rabbi Yehuda rule it is tamei |
מפני הדפין |
because of the sides (which also had a bulge to them, and so the bin could be turned on its side and used to store things that way, |
וחכמים מטהרין |
and the Sages rule it is tahor (as the bin was not meant to be used in this manner). |
ישיבת הסתת |
A stonemason's seat (which was a planed end of a wooden beam, the other end of which held the stone being worked upon) |
טמאה מדרס |
is susceptible to the tumah of midras. |
פרק כב משנה ט |
כפת |
A block of wood |
שסרקו |
that was dyed red |
וכרכמו |
or was dyed saffron |
ועשאו פנים |
and planed, |
רבי עקיבה מטמא |
Rabbi Akiva rules it is tamei |
וחכמים מטהרין |
and the Sages rule it is tahor |
עד שיחוק בו |
until one carves it (as it already has a designation as a different type of utensil, it requires a more significant alteration). |
הסל |
A wicker basket |
והכלכלה |
and a reed basket |
שמלאן תבן |
that were filled with straw |
או מוכין |
or flocking (soft material for stuffing cushions, quilts, and other soft furnishings, made of wool refuse or torn-up cloth), |
התקינן לישיבה |
if one prepared them for sitting [on them] |
טהורין |
they are tahor (from midras, as the stuffing will fall out of the baskets), |
סירגן בגמי |
if one wove [the baskets shut] with reed-grass |
או במשיחה |
or with cord |
טמאין |
they are tamei. |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל