מסכת כלים פרק כ משנה ב |
חמת חלילין |
A bagpipe |
טהורה מן המדרס |
is tahor from midras (as its bag cannot be sat on without preventing it from being played properly). |
ערבת פסונות |
A trough for construction (construction materials were placed in this wooden container, some say it was rocks and earth, others that it was cement), |
בית שמאי אומרים |
Beis Shammai say |
מדרס |
[in addition to the the tumah of a corpse, is also susceptible to the tumah of] misdras (as workers would sit in it while it was carted to the work site) |
ובית הלל אומרים |
and Beis Hillel say |
טמא מת |
[it is only susceptible to] the tumah of a corpse (as other than construction workers on their way to the job, most people would not sit in it for fear of becoming dirty). |
ערבה |
A trough [used for kneading dough] |
משני לוג ועד תשעה קבין |
[with a capacity] from two logs until nine kavs |
שנסדקה |
that cracked |
טמאה מדרס |
[is susceptible to] the tumah of misdras (as people would turn it over and use it as a stool; a trough larger than the specified size would ordinarily be repaired, and not used as a stool, smaller was too small to sit on comfortably), |
הניחה בגשמים ונתפחה |
if it was placed in the rain and swelled (thus sealing the crack shut) |
טמאה טמא מת |
it is [susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (and not midras, even though this is only a temporary status, until it dries out and the crack reopens); |
בקדים ונסדקה |
if it was [then placed] in the east wind (which was dry and hot) and it cracked |
מקבלת מדרס |
it is susceptible to midras. |
זה חמר בשירי כלי עץ |
This is a stringency of the remnants of wooden utensils |
מבתחלתן |
from their origin (as originally it was not susceptible to midras). |
וחמר בשירי כלי נצרים |
And a stringency of the remnants of wicker utensils (baskets that are woven from twigs) |
מבתחלתן | from their origin, |
שמתחילתן אינם מקבלים טמאה | as originally, they are not susceptible to tumah |
עד שיתחסמו | until they are finished (i.e. their rims have been woven); |
נתחסמו | once finished |
אף על פי | even though |
שנשרו שפתותיהן | their rims have fallen away |
כל שהן טמאין | the smallest of them (so long as they have a receptacle) are tamei. |
פרק כ משנה ג |
מקל | A stick |
שעשאו יד לקרדם | that was made a (temporary) handle for a spade |
חבור לטמאה בשעת מלאכה | is connected (to the metal spade) for tumah while in use (but not after, as it is not meant to be permanent). |
הדיוסטר | A dyustar (this was a pole with two holes in it, one going front to back, the other left to right; metal rods would be inserted into those holes and yarn would be wound around them), |
חבור לטמאה בשעת מלאכה | is connected (to the metal rods) for tumah while in use (but not after, as it is not meant to be permanent); |
קבעו בכלונס | if it is set into a post (a thick wooden beam that is not susceptible to tumah) |
טמא | it is tamei (as this wooden pole is no longer considered a temporary device, but by being affixed to the post, is now regarded permanently as a dyuster) |
ואינו חבור לו | and is not considered attached to it (the post). |
עשה בו דיוסטר | If one made in it [the post] a dyustar (by drilling the holes for the metal rods into the post itself) |
אין טמא אלא צרכו | on that part of it that is needed (to function as a dyuster) is tamei. |
כסא שקבעו בכלונס | A chair that is set on a post |
טמא ואינו חבור לו | is tamei and is not [considered] connected to it. |
עשה בו כסא | If one made it into a chair (if one carved a seat out of the post) |
אין טמא אלא מקומו | it is not tamei except in its (the chair's) place |
קבעו בקורת בית הבד | If he attached it (the chair) the the beam of an olive press (which is not susceptible to tumah) |
טמא ואינו חבור לה | it (the chair) is tamei and is not [considered] connected to it. |
עשה בראשה כסא | If one made a chair at its end |
טהור | it is tahor |
מפני שאומרין לו | as they will say to him |
עמוד ונעשה את מלאכתנו | "stand so that we may do our work" (as the press cannot be used while one sits there). |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל