מסכת כלים פרק יט משנה י |
משפלת |
A mashpeles (a large wicker basket; the type referred to here was used to haul dung or trash, and was made to either go over the back of an animal, with a place for a person to sit, or to be carried by a person, and included a cane-like support for the carrier's weight to allow the person to rest) |
שנפחתה מלקבל רמונים |
that was too damaged to hold pomegranates, |
רבי מאיר מטמא |
Rabbi Meir rules is tamei (midras) |
וחכמים מטהרים |
and the Sages rule is tahor, |
מפני שבטל העקר |
as when its main purpose is eliminated, |
בטלה הטפלה |
its secondary purpose is eliminated. |
פרק כ משנה א |
הכרים |
Pillows |
והכסתות |
and mattresses |
והשקין |
sacks (made of sackcloth) |
והמרצופין |
and martzufim (large leather sacks used to transport goods on ships) |
שנפחתו |
that were damaged (and can no longer be used as a container) |
הרי אלו טמאים מדרס |
are tamei midras (even according the Sages, as sitting was one of the originally intended uses for these items). |
הקלסטר ארבעת קבין |
The feedbag [that holds at least] four kavs, |
התרמל חמשת קבין |
the shepherd's pouch [that holds at least] five kavs, |
הכרסית סאה |
the small leather sack [that holds at least] a se'ah, |
החמת של שבעת קבין |
the waterskin [that holds at least] seven kavs, |
רבי יהודה אומר |
Rabbi Yehuda says |
אף הרבצל |
also the spice bag (a very small leather pouch) |
והמזדה |
and the traveler's bag |
כל שהן |
of any size, |
הרי אלו טמאין מדרס |
these are all tamei midras, |
וכלן שנפחתו |
and all, if damaged, |
טהורין |
are tahor, |
מפני שבטל העקר |
as its main purpose is eliminated, |
ובטלה הטפלה |
and its secondary purpose is eliminated. |
לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל