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מסכת כלים פרק א משנה ח
לפנים מן החומה {3} Within the walls [of Jerusalem]
מקדש מהם is holier than them (the walled cities of Eretz Yisrael),
שאוכלים שם as we may eat there
קדשים קלים lesser sacrificial foods
ומעשר שני and maaser sheni;
הר הבית מקדש ממנו {4} The Temple Mount is holier than that,
שאין זבים וזבות as it is forbidden for zavim and zavos
נידות ויולדות nidos and women after childbirth
נכנסים לשם to enter there;
החיל מקודש ממנו

{5} The Surrounding Area (of the Temple, which extended ten amos outside the Temple's walls and was itself enclosed by latticework) is holier than that,

שאין גוים וטמא מת as it is forbidden for gentiles and those who are tamei from a corpse
נכנסים לשם to enter there;
עזרת נשים מקדשת ממנו

{6} The Women's Courtyard (the easternmost part of the Temple, enclosed by its own walls) is holier than that,

שאין טבול יום נכנס לשם as it is prohibited for one on the day of his immersion (following a period of tumah) to enter there,
ואין חיבים עליה חטאת but they are not obligated to bring a sin-offering [for violating this prohibition];
עזרת ישראל מקדשת ממנה {7} The Israelite's Courtyard (the eastern part of the Azarah, the Temple's courtyard) is holier than that,
שאין מחסר כפורים נכנס לשם as it is prohibited for those lacking atonement (i.e. those who have not yet offered the requisite sacrifice after completing other steps to become tahor) to enter there,
וחיבין עליה חטאת and are obligated to bring a sin-offering [for violating this prohibition];
עזרת הכהנים מקדשת ממנה {8} The Kohanim's Courtyard (the portion of the Azarah immediately to the west of the Israelite' Courtyard) is holier than that,
שאין ישראל נכנסין לשם as Israelites may not enter there
אלא בשעת צרכיהם except when needed:
לסמיכה for leaning [on one's sacrifice],
לשחיטה for slaughtering (sacrifice's were slaughtered here, but did not need to be slaughtered by a kohen)
ולתנופה and for waving (parts of certain sacrifices were waived in the air by their donors).

פרק א משנה ט

בין האולם ולמזבח {9} Between the Antechamber (this was a wide room at the front of the Temple, which was adjacent to the Heichal, the first chamber of the Temple) and the Altar
מקדש ממנה is holier than that,
שאין בעלי מומין as it is forbidden for those with a physical blemish
ופרועי ראש or uncut hair (if the kohen had not had his hair cut in thirty days)
נכנסים לשם to enter there;
ההיכל מקדש ממנו {10} The Heichal is holier than that
שאין נכנס לשם as it is forbidden to enter there
שלא רחוץ ידים ורגלים with unwashed hands and feet;
קדש הקדשים מקודש מהם {11} The Holy of Holies is holier than that
שאין נכנס לשם as it is forbidden to enter there,
אלא כהן גדול except the Kohen Gadol
ביום הכפורים on Yom Kippur
בשעת העבודה during the service.
אמר רבי יוסי Rabbi Yose said,
בחמשה דברים By five things
בין האולם ולמזבח [the space] between the Antechamber and the Altar
שוה להיכל is equivalent to the Heichal:
שאין בעלי מומין that it is forbidden for {i} those with a physical blemish
ופרועי ראש or {ii} uncut hair
ושתויי יין or {iii} who have drunk wine
ושלא רחוץ ידים ורגלים or {iv} who have not washed their hands and feet
נכנסים לשם to enter there
ופורשין מבין האולם ולמזבח and {v} they (i.e. all other kohanim) must remove themselves from between the Antechamber and Altar
בשעת הקטרה during the [burning of] the incense.


While משנה ו says that there were ten areas, obviously the areas listed obviously add up to eleven.  One explanation is that Eretz Yisrael, the first area listed, does not count, as there are no restrictions on it, just the positive commandments to bring the עומר, בכורים ושתי הלחם from there.  Another explanation is that the count follows the opinion of רבי יוסי, who held that the space between the אולם and the מזבח was equivalent to the היכל.