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מסכת כלים

פרק יח משנה א

NBFor a wooden, leather or cloth utensil to be susceptible to tumah, it must be usually carried while full.  Thus, large containers with a capacity of 40 liquid se'ahs or 3 cubic cubits would normally be deemed tahor, as it was too heavy when full to carry.  


A bin (a large wooden box was used to store grain),

בית שמאי אומרים

Beis Shammai say

נמדדת מבפנים

is measured from the inside (to determine if its volume is more than 3 cubic cubits ),

ובית הלל אומרים

and Beis Hillel say

נמדדת מבחוץ

it is measured from the outside (and the thickness of its walls will be counted as part of its capacity);

מודים אלו ואלו

they agree with each other

שאין עבי הרגלים ועבי לזבזין נמדד

that the thickness of the legs (that project below the bottom of the bin) and the thickness of the rims (which project above the walls of the bin) are not counted;

רבי יוסי אומר

Rabbi Yosi says

מודים שעבי הרגלים

they agree that the thickness of the legs

ועבי לזבזין נמדד

and the thickness of the rims are measured,

וביניהם אינו נמדד

and [the space] between them [the legs] is not measured;

רבי שמעון שזורי אומר

Rabbi Shimon Shezuri says,

אם היו הרגלים

if the legs were

גבוהות טפח

one handbreadth high (that is, if they raised the bottom of the bin that high off the ground)

אין ביניהם נמדד

and [the space] between them [the legs] is not measured,

ואם לאו

and if not,

ביניהן נמדד

and [the space] between them [the legs] is measured.


משנה ב

מכני שלה

It's base (this was a base or stand that the bin of the previous mishnah; note that there are several other interpretations of this term)

בזמן שהיא נשמטת

when it is removeable,

אינה חבור לה

is not [considered to be] attached to it (such that even if the bin is not susceptible to tumah, the base can be),

ואינה נמדדת עמה

and is not measured with it,

ואינה מצלת עמה באהל המת

and does not protect with it by the canopy of a corpse (a covered bin of over three cubic cubits can serve to shield objects within it from tumah when passing over a grave; in this case, the bin would shield, but the base would not)

ואין גוררין אותה בשבת

and we may not drag it [the base] on shabbos

בזמן שיש בתוכה מעות

when there is money inside it (as it is a base for something forbidden, it is muktzeh);

ואם אינה נשמטת

and if it is not removable,

חבור לה

it is [considered to be] attached to it,

ונמדדת עמה

and is measured with it,

ומצלת עמה באהל המת

and does protect with it by the canopy of a corpse

וגוררין אותה בשבת

and we may drag it [the base] on shabbos

אף על פי שיש בתוכה מעות

even though there is money in it (as the base is considered primarily a base for the bin, and not the forbidden money).

הקמרון שלה

It's cover (which extended above the top of the bin, but shelters only part of the bin),

בזמן שהוא קבוע

when it is permanently set in place,

חבור לה

is considered attached to it,

נמדד עימה

and is measured with it,

ואם אינו קבוע

and if it is not permanently set in place,

אינו חבור לה

is not considered attached to it,

ואינו נמדד עמה

and is not measured with it.

כיצד מודדין אותו

How do we measure it? (as the cover is only over part of the bin, the question is does the airspace above the bin that is not under the cover get counted towards its volume as well?)

ראש תור

[by imagining] a diagonal line (this line runs from the top of the cover at the edge that is over the middle of the bin to the top of the opposite, uncovered rim of the bin; the space below that line is counted towards the volume);

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

אם אינה יכולה לעמוד בפני עצמה

if it [the bin] cannot stand on its own


it is tahor (even if it's volume is less than three cubic cubits).