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מסכת כלים פרק יז משנה ד
הרמונים שאמרו

The pomegranates referred to [in the previous mishanyos, we had said the utensils would be tahor if they had a hole large enough for a pomegranate]

שלשה אחוזין זה בזה

is three, one attached to the other (they are all attached to a single branch, making it more difficult for them to pass through a hole; others say this refers to the minimum size of the utensil that this rule applies to, that is a vessel that can hold three pomegranates attached to each other);

רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר

Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says

בנפה ובכברה

[the hole] in a sieve and a strainer

כדי שיטול ויהלך

it must be sufficient that [the pomegranate would fall out when the vessel] is drawn and extended (i.e. when the sieve or sifter is shaken back and forth),


and by a basket

כדי שיפשיל לאחוריו

it must be sufficient that [the pomegranate would fall out when the vessel] is slung behind him.

ושאר כל הכלים

And all other utensils

שאינן יכולין לקבל רמונים

that cannot hold pomegranates,

כגון הרבע

such as the quarter[-kav measuring utensil],

וחצי הרבע

and the eighth[-kav measuring utensil],

הקנונים הקטנים

the small sifters,

שעורן ברבן

their measure is [when] the majority of them [is punctured],

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי שמעון אומר

Rabbi Shimon says


[their measure is holes] like an olive.


If they were broken (instead of having a hole in its bottom, this refers to when the hole is in its side)

שעורן בזיתים

their measure is in olives,


if they wore away [from the rim downward]

שעורן במה שהן

their measure is any amount (i.e., no matter how low the walls get, and no matter how shallow the vessel becomes, so long as their is some of the wall left, and their is some receptacle, it will remain tamei).


פרק יז משנה ה

הרמון שאמרו

The pomegranate referred to,

לא קטן ולא גדול

is neither small nor large,

אלא בינוני

but rather medium sized.

ולמה הזכרו רמוני בדאן

And in what context were pomegranates of Badan [which were larger] referred to?

שיהו מקדשין כל שהן

That they will prohibit in the smallest amount (is such a pomegranate of orlah, which is forbidden, was mixed with others, the entire mixture is forbidden, no matter how great the ratio of forbidden to permitted fruit),

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי יוחנן בן נורי אומר

Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri says

לשער בהן את הכלים

[it was referred to] to measure with them [the holes of utensils];

רבי עקיבה אומר

Rabbi Akiva says

לכך ולכך הזכרו

it was referred to for this and for that,

לשער בהן את הכלים

to measure with them [the holes of utensils]

ויהיו מקדשין כל שהן

and that they will prohibit in the smallest amount;

אמר רבי יוסי

Rabbi Yosi says

לא הזכרו רמוני בדן

they did not refer to the pomegranates of Badan

וחצירי גבע

and the leeks of Geva

אלא שיהו מתעשרין ודאי

except that they should be tithed as definitly requiring tithing

בכל מקום

in any place (as the inhabitants of those areas would certainly not have tithed them).