מסכת כלים פרק טו משנה ו | |
נבלי השרה |
Musical lyres (a lyre is a harp-like stringed instrument with a hollow body; some say however that this refers to an instrument that included bellows, akin to that of a bag-pipe) |
טמאין |
are tamei (as the musicians would keep coins earned while playing in them) |
ונבלי בני לוי |
and the lyres of the Levites (who did not put coins in their instruments) |
טהורין |
are tahor. |
כל המשקין |
All liquids (this is actually limited to water, wine, oil, honey, milk, blood and dew) |
טמאין |
are tamei (that is they can make produce susceptible to tumah and are themselves susceptible to tumah), |
ומשקי בית מטבחיא |
and the liquids of the slaughterhouse (of the Temple, where blood and water used to rinse carcasses would run off) |
טהורין |
are tahor. |
כל הספרים |
All scrolls (that have any of Tanach written in them) |
מטמאין את הידים |
impart tumah to the hands (this was a rabbinical decree made to prevent them from being stored with terumah, as that would bring mice that would eat the scrolls), |
חוץ מספר העזרה |
except for the scroll of the Temple courtyard (as food would not be stored with that, nor would it be handled with bare hands). |
המרכוף |
The prop horse (this was a wooden horse used by performers; others say this refers to a musical instrument made of wood) |
טהור |
is tahor (as it has not receptacle and is not sat upon). |
הבטנון |
The batnon (this was a large musical instrument held or strapped to the front of the musicians body; it had a hollow area in which coins were placed) |
והנקטמון |
and the niktamon (a musical instrument resembling a prosthetic leg; it also had a hollow area in which coins were placed) |
והארוס |
and the eiros (a small percussive instrument which consisted of a hide stretched over a body shaped like a sifter), |
הרי אלו טמאין |
these are tamei. |
רבי יהודה אומר |
Rabbi Yehuda says |
הארוס טמא מושב |
the eiros is [susceptible to the] tumah of a seat |
מפני שהאליית יושבת עליו |
as the wailer (a woman hired to wail at a funeral) sat on it. |
מצודת החלדה |
A weasel trap |
טמאה |
is [rabbinically] tamei, (as it was said to have the form of a utensil) |
ושל עכברין |
and [a trap] for mice (which did not have the form of a utensil) |
טהורה |
is tahor. |
פרק טז משנה א |
כל כלי עץ |
All wooden utensils |
שנחלק לשנים |
that broke into two |
טהור |
are tahor |
חוץ משלחן הכפול |
except for a folding table (this refers to a removable tabletop that was comprised of two hinged pieces, each of which on its own could function as a smaller tabletop), |
והתמחוי המזנון |
and the multi-sectioned plate (each section of which was serviceable on its own), |
והאפיפורין |
and the sectioned bench (like the above folding table, this had a segmented top, and the segments could each be used on their own) |
של בעל הבית |
of a householder; |
רבי יהודה אומר |
Rabbi Yehuda says |
אף המגס |
also the mageis |
וקוד הבבלי |
and the Babylonian kod (these two last items are particular types of segmented dishes) |
כיוצא בהן |
are the same as them. |
כלי עץ |
Wooden utensils, |
מאימתי מקבלין טמאה |
from when are they susceptible to tumah? |
המטה והערסה |
The bed and the cradle, |
משישופם בעור הדג |
when one smooths them with a fish skin. |
גמר שלא לשוף |
If one opted not to smooth |
טמאה |
they are tamei. |
רבי מאיר אומר |
Rabbi Meir says |
המיטה משיסרג בה |
the bed, from when one weaves in it |
שלשה בתים |
three boxes (a bed would be made with a rectangular wooden frame, inside of which a network of ropes would be woven to form the beds surface; according to some once three boxes inside that weave were formed it was susceptible to tumah, others interpret this as meaning that three rows of the weave were completed). |
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