מסכת כלים פרק יד משנה ד | |
הטמאין שבעגלה |
The tamei [parts] of a wagon [are]: |
העל של מתכת |
The yoke of metal (the yoke was the part that went across and over the animals' shoulders and necks), |
והקטרב |
and the cross-piece (this was a long wooden pole that ran parallel to the yoke, and was beneath the animals necks) |
והכנפים |
and the wings (these were curved attachments at the ends of the cross-piece) |
המקבלות את הרצועות |
that hold the reins, |
והברזל |
and the iron |
שתחת צוארי בהמה |
that under the neck of the animal (this was a sort of collar that helped protect the animal's neck from the straps of the harness) |
הסומך |
the pulling ring (this was a metal ring in the middle of the yoke to which the the wagon would be connected) |
והמחגר |
and the harness (this encircled the neck of the animal; some say it went around the animal's body, and others say it was a pin that kept the wagon from making too tight of a turn), |
והתמחויות |
and the plates (these curved pieces of metal resembled serving platters; they sat beneath the yoke on the neck of the animal), |
הענבל |
the clapper (of the cowbell), |
והצנורה |
and the hook (this was used to hold down the wagon's load), |
ומסמר המחבר את כלן |
and the nail that connects all of them. |
פרק יג משנה ה |
הטהורין שבעגלה |
The tahor [parts] of a wagon [are]: |
העל המצופה |
The [metal] plated [wooden] yoke, |
וכנפים העשויות לנוי |
and wings that are made for decoration, |
ושפופרות |
and tubes (these were small mtel tubes that hung from the harness) |
המשמיעות את הקול |
that make noise (since their primary purpose is for decoration, these are tahor) |
והאבר |
and the (decorative) lead [balls] |
שבצד צוארי בהמה |
that are on the side of the animal's neck, |
הסובב של גלגל |
the [metal] rim of the wheel, |
והטסים |
and the sheet metal (some say this protected the wood of the wagon from its load), |
והציפויים |
and the (decorative) plating, |
ושאר כל המסמרות |
and all the other nails |
טהורין |
are tahor. |
סנדלי בהמה |
The animal's shoes (unlike modern horseshoes, these were larger and had a receptacle; it was sometimes used by soldiers to hold liquids), |
של מתכת טמאין |
of metal are tamei, |
של שעם טהורין |
of shaam are tahor (some say this was a bamboo-like reed grass, others say it was cork; it wore out to quickly to be of service to humans and so is not tamei). |
הסיף |
The sword, |
מאימתי מקבל טמאה |
from when is it susceptible to tumah? |
משישופנו |
From one polishes it. (Some say this refers to a sword that is being restored after having become too rusted to use; according to these opinions the polishing referred to hear is an abrasive process that removes the rust. Other opinions hold that this refers to the final step in the manufacture of a sword, when it is stropped on leather with oil.) |
והסכין |
And the knife |
משישחיזנה |
from when one sharpens it. (Unlike a sword, a knife must be very sharp to have any utility, so if being restored or manufactured, this step is required before it will be susceptible to tumah.) |
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