מסכת כלים פרק יג משנה ד | |
מגרפה |
A fire shovel |
שנטלה כפה |
whose scoop was removed |
טמאה |
is tamei |
מפני שהיא כקרנס |
because it is like a hammer (the end of the handle opposite the scoop was wide and heavy, and could be used to crush coals), |
דברי רבי מאיר |
these are the words of Rabbi Meir, |
וחכמים מטהרין |
and the Sages rule it is tahor (as it was never intended to be used this way). |
מגרה |
A saw |
שנטלו שניה |
whose teeth were removed, |
אחת מבינתים |
one from in between every two (i.e. every other tooth was removed) |
טהורה |
is tahor (as it can no longer function). |
נשתיר בה |
If there remains in it |
מלוא הסיט |
like the size of a sit (some say this is the distance between an outspread thumb and index finger, other from the outspread index finger to the middle finger) |
במקום אחד |
in one spot |
טמאה |
it is tamei. |
המעצד |
The plane (a tool consisting of a block with a slightly projecting metal blade from its middle, used to smooth a wooden or other surface by paring shavings from it) |
והאזמל |
and the scalpel, |
והמפסלת |
and the chisel, |
והמקדח |
and the auger (a hand-drill) |
שנפגמו |
that were damaged (the damage was to the body of these tools, but not their cutting edges) |
טמאים |
are tamei; |
ניטל חסומן טהורין |
if their cutting edge (made of a different, harder metal than the body) was removed, they are tahor; |
וכולן שנחלקו לשנים |
and all of them that were broken into two |
טמאים |
are tamei (if a piece of the cutting edge remains attached to each half), |
חוץ מן המקדח |
except for the auger (as each half cannot have the cutting edge, it is impossible to function properly once broken in two); |
והרונקי בפני עצמה |
and the plane block alone (without the blade) |
טהורה |
is tahor. |
פרק יג משנה ה |
מחט |
A needle |
שניטל חרירה |
whose eye was removed, |
או עקצה |
or its point, |
טהורה |
is tahor. |
אם התקינה למתוח |
If prepared for stretching (it was prepared for use as a pin) |
טמאה |
it is tamei. |
של סקיין |
[The needle] of a sackmaker |
שניטל חרירה טמאה |
whose eye was removed is tamei, |
מפני שהוא כותב בה |
as one writes with it (this was a larger needle, so it could be held and used as a pen), |
ניטל עקצה טהורה |
if its point was removed it is tahor. |
של מתוח |
[If needle made] for stretching |
בין כך ובין כך טמאה |
either way is tamei (as it does not need its eye or point to function properly). |
מחט שהעלתה חלודה |
A needle that became rusted |
אם מעכבת את התפירה |
if [the rust] prevents sewing (some say this means even if it can sew, but will leave rust stains) |
טהורה |
is tahor, |
ואם לאו טמאה |
and if not is tamei. |
צנורה שפשטה |
A hook that has been straightened |
טהורה |
is tahor |
כפפה |
if one [subsequently] bent it |
חזרה לטמאתה |
it returns to its state of tumah. |
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