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מסכת כלים פרק י משנה ה
חבית שנתקלפה

A barrel that had peeled

והזפת שלה עומדת

and its pitch remained (wine barrels were lined with pitch; in this case part of the earthenware wall of the barrel had fallen away, but the inner coating of pitch remained intact and held the barrel's shape),

וכן קבותים של מוריס

and similarly fish brining vessels

שגפתן עם השפה

that [are sealed with] gypsum until the edge (i.e. the mouth of this container is plugged with gypsum and the plug, like a cork in a wine bottle, does not protrude over the top edge of the container),

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

אינם מצילין

they do not protect (as he holds the cover must be over the container, not just in it)

וחכמים אומרים מצילין

and the Sages say it protects.


פרק י משנה ו

חבית שנקבה

A barrel that develops a hole

וסתמוה שמרים

and is plugged by sediments


they have protected it.

פקקה בזמורה

If one plugged it with a vine

עד שימרח מן הצדדים

[it will not protect] until one plasters it from the sides.

היו שתים

If there were two [vines used in this plug]

עד שימרח מן הצדדין

[it will not protect] until one plasters it from the sides

ובין זמורה לחברתה

and between one vine and the other.


A board

שהוא נתון על פי התנור

that was placed over the mouth of a tanur

אם מרח מן הצדדין

if it is plastered from the sides


it protects,

היו שנים

if there were two [boards]

עד שימרח מן הצדדין

[it will not protect] until one plasters it from the sides

ובין נסר לחברו

and between one board and the other.

עשאן בסינין

If they were made with [an adhesive made from] thornwood shavings (some say this refers to tenons, a means of joinery in which one board has tenons, pieces of wood that protrude like a plug from one board and that fit tightly into sockets, called mortises, in the adjoining board; yet others interpret this to refer to joinery using dowels in holes drilled in each board)

או בשגמין

or with [an adhesive made from] reed-grass shavings (some say say this refers to strips of reed grass that were used to bind the boards together; others say this refers to a rabbet joint, where a step-shaped recess is cut along the edge of one piece of wood forming a match to the edge or tongue of another piece)

אינו צריך למרח

it is not necessary to plaster

מן האמצע

from the middle.