פרק ד משנה ז | |
רבי אליעזר בן יעקב אומר |
Rabbi Eliezer says |
ישראל שנשא גיורת |
a male Yisroel that marries a female convert |
בתו כשרה לכהנה |
his daughter is permissible to [marry] a Kohen, |
וגר שנשא בת ישראל |
and a male convert that marries a female Yisroel |
בתו כשרה לכהנה |
his daughter is permissible to [marry] a Kohen, |
אבל גר שנשא גיורת |
but a convert that marries a convert |
בתו פסולה לכהנה |
his daughter is impermissible to [marry] a Kohen. |
אחד גר ואחד עבדים משחררים |
Both [the descendant of] a convert and freed slaves |
אפילו עד עשרה דורות |
even up to ten generations [or more], |
עד שתהא אימו מישראל |
until his mother [or father] is a Yisroel. |
רבי יוסי אומר |
Rabbi Yosi says |
אף גר שנשא גיורת |
even a convert that marries a convert |
בתו כשרה לכהנה |
his daughter is permissible to [marry] a Kohen. |
פרק ד משנה ח | |
האומר בני זה ממזר |
One who says "This son of mine is a mamzer" |
אינו נאמן |
he is not believed, |
אפילו שניהם אומרים |
and even a couple that both say |
על העובר שבמעיה |
regarding the fetus in her womb |
ממזר הוא |
that he is a mamzer |
אינם נאמנים |
they are not believed. |
רבי יהודה אומר |
Rabbi Yehuda says [regarding both cases of this mishna] |
נאמנים |
they are believed. |
אינו נאמן - He is related to the person he is testifying about, and so he is not qualified to testify about him.
על העובר שבמעיה - Which does not have the חזקת כשרות of a person who has been born.
אינם נאמנים - Even though a mother is thought to have a more certain knowledge about her child's parentage than a father.
רבי יהודה אומר נאמנים - He bases his opinion on the (פסוק (דברים כא:יז which states כי את הבכר בן השנואה יכיר and specifically the extra language of "יכיר"; as this פסוק speaks only of the father, according to ר"י a mother does not get such credibility. Furthermore, as this credibility is only regarding a son, if that son has children who would be effected by such a claim, the grandfather is not believed.