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פרק ג משנה ח

קדשתי את בתי  

[If one says] "I betrothed my daughter,"

קדשתיה וגרשתיה כשהיא קטנה

or "I betrothed her and accepted her divorce while she was a minor,"

והרי היא קטנה

and she is still a minor


he is believed,

קדשתיה וגרשתיה כשהיא קטנה

"I betrothed her and accepted her divorce while she was a minor,"

 והרי היא גדולה

and she is now an adult

אינו נאמן 

he is not belived.

נשבית ופדיתיה

"She was captured and I paid her ransom,"

בין שהיא קטנה בין שהיא גדולה

whether she was a minor, whether she was an adult,

אינו נאמן

he is not believed.

מי שאמר בשעת מיתתו

One who says at the time of his death

 יש לי בנים נאמן

"I have sons" he is believed,

יש לי אחים אינו נאמן

"I have brothers" he is not believed.

המקדש את בתו סתם

One who betrothed his daughter without specifying [which daughter it was]

אין הבוגרת בכלל

the ones who are bogros (the age following naarus; at this phase he no longer has the power to betroth them) are not included.

פרק ג משנה ט
מי שיש לו שתי כיתי בנות

One who has two sets of daughters

משתי נשים

from two wives

ואמר קדשתי את בתי הגדולה

and he says "I betrothed my 'older' daughter

ואיני יודע אם גדולה שבגדולות

and I do not know if it was the oldest of the older [set of daughters]

או גדולה שבקטנות

or the oldest of the younger [set]

או קטנה שבגדולות

or the youngest of the older [set]

שהיא גדולה מן הגדולה שבקטנות

who is older than the oldest of the younger set,"

כולן אסורות

all of them are prohibited [to other men]

חוץ מן הקטנה שבקטנות

except for the youngest of the youger [set]

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir,

רבי יוסי אומר

Rabbi Yosi says

כולן מותרות

all of them are permitted

חוץ מן הגדולה שבגדולות

except for the oldest of the older [set].

קידשתי את בתי קטנה

"I betrothed my 'younger' daughter

ואיני יודע אם קטנה שבקטנות

and I do not know if it was the youngest of the younger [set]

או קטנה שבגדולות

or the youngest of the older [set]

או גדולה שבקטנות

or the oldest of the younger set

שהיא קטנה מן הקטנה שבגדולות

who is younger than the youngest of the older set

כולן אסורות

all of them are prohibited

חוץ מן הגדולה שבגדולות

except for the oldest of the older [set]

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir

רבי יוסי אומר

Rabbi Yosi says

כולן מותרות

all of them are permitted

חוץ מן הקטנה שבקטנות

except for the youngest of the younger set.




משנה ח

נאמן - This is because the (פסוק (דברים כב:טז says  "את בתי נתתי לאיש הזה" giving the father credibility when he says something about his daughter while she is a נערה or קטנה.  However if she was not loner a נערה or קטנה, or for that matter he only said that she was divorced, but did not at the same time say that she was married, he is not believed.

נשבית ופדיתיה - Women taken captive by non-Jews are assumed to have been violated and are therefore פסול לכהונה.

יש לי בנים נאמן - By saying this, his wife will not be subject to יבום; he is believed as she is בחזקה not being subject to יבום.

יש לי אחים אינו נאמן - Such a statement, which would subject his wife to יבום, cannot overcome her חזקה of not being subject to יבום.

אין הבוגרת בכלל - Even if they had voluntarily empowered him to accept קדושין on their behalf, we assume that he did not do so, as it is more incumbent upon a father to marry off those who are still under his aegis.


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