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פרק ב משנה ח
המקדש בחלקו 

One who betroths with his portion

בין קדשי קודשים

whether from the most holy (sacrifices that may only be eaten by kohanim in the Beis Hamikdosh)

 בין קדשים קלים

whether from the less holy (sacrifices that may be eaten anywhere in Jerusalem

אינה מקדשת

she is not betrothed.

במעשר שני

If with maaser sheini

בין שוגג בין מזיד

whether inadvertently or intentionally

לא קדש

there is no betrothal,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

 בשוגג לא קדש במזיד קידש

if inadvertently there is no betrothal, if intentionally there is a betrothal.


and with hekdesh (items designated for the Beis Hamikdosh)

במזד קדש ובשוגג לא קדש

if intentionally there is a betrothal, if inadvertently there is no betrothal,

דברי רבי מאיר

these are the words of Rabbi Meir;

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

בשוגג קדש ובמזיד לא קדש

if inadvertently there is betrothal, if intentionally there is no betrothal.



פרק ב משנה ט
המקדש בערלה

One who betroths with orlah (the first three years of a tree's fruit),

ובכלאי הכרם

and kilayim of the vineyard [certain species planted together in a forbidden manner],

בשור הנסקל

with an ox [condemned] to be stoned,

ובעגלה ערופה

with a calf whose neck is [to be] broken,

בצפרי מצורע

birds [used by a] metzorah [in his purification],

ובשער נזיר

hair of a Nazir,

ובפטר חמור

a first born donkey,

ובבשר בחלב

meat [cooked] with milk,

ובחולין שנשחטו בעזרה

or unsanctified animals slaughtered in the Courtyard [of the Beis Hamikdosh]

אינה מקדשת

she is not betrothed.

מכרן וקדש בדמיהן

If he sold them and betrothed with their money


she is betrothed.



משנה ח

אינה מקדשת - These are considered to be on משלחן גבוה, and not personal property, and so cannot be used

במעשר שני - According to רבי מאיר, it is also Divine property, and so similar to קדשים, ineffective.  רבי יהודה holds that it can become personal property, and so the only problem would be if done בשוגג, as then the woman would not know in advance that she must take it to ירושלים to consume, and so was deceived as to its value.  On the other hand, when used במזיד, it is not a problem; רע"ב adds that this is because her acceptance of it affects a פדיון of the מעשר שני to חולין.

ובהקדש - If misused intentionally, according to רבי מאיר it becomes חולין, while if done בשוגג, we assume that it is a מקח טעות, as the man would not have misused it so.  רבי יהודה on the other hand says that it does not become חולין if misused במזיד, while when one does so בשוגג it does become חולין.

משנה ט

אינה מקדשת - As all of these items are אסורי הנאה, forbidden for use for any personal benefit.


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