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מסכת הוריות

פרק ב משנה ג

אין חיבין  

They [Beis Din] are not liable [to atone with a communal sacrifice]

אלא על העלם דבר  

but for a forgotten matter

 עם שגגת המעשה

with an unintentionally transgressive act

וכן המשיח  

and so too by the anointed (i.e. the kohen gadol must meet these criteria as well),

ולא בעבודה זרה 

and not for idolatry

אין חיבין  

they are not liable [to bring the special sacrifice for such a transgression]

אלא על העלם דבר 

but for a forgotten matter

 עם שגגת המעשה 

with an unintentionally transgressive act;

אין בית דין חיבין

Beis Din is not liable

עד שיורו בדבר

until they rule on a matter

שזדונו כרת

for which an intentional transgression [is punished with] kares

ושגגתו חטאת

and an unintentional transgression [requires] a sin-offering;

וכן המשיח

and so too the anointed;

ולא בעבודה זרה

and not by idolatry

עד שיורו

until they rule

על דבר שזדונו כרת

on a matter for which an intentional transgression [is punished with] kares

ושגגתו חטאת

and an unintentional transgression [requires] a sin-offering.

משנה ד

אין חיבין על עשה ולא תעשה

They [Beis Din] are not liable for positive commandments nor negative commandments


relating to the Templeא

ואין מביאין אשם תלוי  

and they do not bring an asham talui

על עשה ועל לא תעשה  

for positive commandments nor negative commandments


relating to the Temple,ב

אבל חיבין  

but they are liable

על עשה ועל לא תעשה  

for positive commandments nor negative commandments


relating to nidah.

איזו היא מצות עשה שבנדה

What is a positive commandment relating to nidah?

 פרוש מן הנדהג 

To separate from a nidah,ג

ומצות לא תעשה 

and the negative commandment

לא תבא אל הנדה

is not to have relations with a nidah.



הערת שוליים

א.    This is referring specifically to a person who is טמא in the בית המקדש, for which they would ordinarily bring a קרבן עולה ויורד.   

ב.    As an אשם תלוי is only brought for a ספק where the transgression in doubt would have ordinarily required a קרבן חטאת.

ג.   This refers to a situation where a woman becomes a נדה during intercourse, as in such a situation the man must wait until he is unerect to withdraw, so as not to derive any pleasure from the act.