פרק ח משנה ח | |
כתב סופר גט לאיש |
If a scribe writes a get for a man |
ושובר לאשה |
and a receipt [for the payment of kesuba] for a woman |
וטעה ונתן גט לאשה |
and [the husband claims] he erred, and gave the get to the woman |
ושובר לאיש |
and the receipt to the man |
ונתנו זה לזה |
and they exchanged them [thinking, incorrectly, that they were giving each other the appropriate document] |
ולאחר זמן |
and after some time [after the woman had remarried] |
הרי הגט יוצא מיד האיש |
behold, the get is found in possession of the man |
ושובר מיד האשה |
and the receipt is in the possession of the woman, |
תצא מזה ומזה |
she must leave both [her new and ex-husband], |
וכל הדרכים האלו בה |
and all of these measures [listed in the previously] apply to her. |
רבי אליעזר אומר |
Rabbi Eliezer says |
אם לאתר יצא |
if it went out immediately [before she remarried] |
אין זה גט |
it is not a get |
אם לאחר זמן יצא |
if it went out after some time [after she remarried] |
הרי זה גט |
it is a get |
לא כל הימנו מן הראשון |
[because] the first [husband] is not believed so far |
לאבד זכותו של שני |
as to revoke the privileges of the second. |
כתב לגרש את אשתו |
If one wrote [a get] to divorce his wife, |
ונמלך |
then changed his mind, |
בית שמאי אומרים |
Beis Shammai say |
פסלה מן הכהנה |
he disqualified her from [marrying] kohanim |
ובית הלל אומרים |
and Beis Hillel say |
אף על פי שנתנו לה על תנאי |
even if he had given it to her on a condition |
ולא נעשה התנאי |
and the condition was not met, |
לא פסלה מן הכהנה |
he did not disqualify her from [marrying] kohanim. |
פרק ח משנה ט | |
המגרש את אשתו |
If one divorced his wife, |
ולנה עימו בפנדקי |
then lodged with her in an inn, |
בית שמאי אומרים |
Beis Shammai say |
אינה צריכה הימנו גט שני |
she does not need a second get from him |
ובית הלל אומרים |
and Beis Hillel say |
צריכה הימנו גט שני |
she needs a second get from him. |
אימתי |
When? |
בזמן שנתגרשה מן הנשואין |
When she was divorced subsequent to nisuin (the second step of the matrimonial procedure) |
ומודים בנתגרשה מן הארוסין |
and they concede that if she was divorced from eirusin (the first part of the matrimonial procedure) |
שאינה צריכה הימנו גט שני |
that she does not require a second get from him |
מפני שאין ליבו גס בה |
as his heart is not close to her. |
כנסה בגט קרח |
If one married a woman [based on her having] a 'bald' get |
תצא מזה ומזה |
she must leave both |
וכל הדרכים האלו בה |
and all of these measures [listed in the previously] apply to her. |
משנה ח
פסלה מן הכהנה - This issue is known as ריח הגט, or the "scent" of a גט, which although is not a divorce, is enough to פסול a woman from the כהונה. According to ב"ש, merely having a גט written for her creates a ריח הגט, while ב"ה hold otherwise.
משנה ט
ולנה עימו בפנדקי - And there are witnesses to their having been secluded together, but who saw no more than that.,
גט קרח - There is a type of גט known as a גט מקשר, purposely designed to be tedious and time consuming in execution, required for כהנים to forestall the hot-tempered among them from issuing divorces that they would later regret. Such a גט was was written no more than two lines at a time, and after every two lines, the גט was folded, covering those lines, and the fold sewn shut. Outside each fold, a witness would sign, and there was required to be a minimum of three folds, and three witnesses on a גט מקשר. A גט קרח was a גט מקשר that lacked a witness's signature on at least one of the folds. As we assume that the number of folds would correspond to the number of witnesses that the husband tasked with signing the גט, the missing signature indicted that the גט was not written in accordance with his wishes.