פרק ח משנה ד | |
בית שמאי אומרין |
Beis Shammai say |
פוטר אדם את אשתו |
a man can release [divorce] his wife |
בגט ישן |
with an old get |
ובית הלל אוסרין |
and Beis Hillel prohibit it. |
ואיזהו גט ישן |
And what is an old get |
כל שנתיחד עמה |
any case where he [the husband] secludes himslef with her |
אחר שכתבו לה |
after it was written [but before it purportedly takes effect]. |
פרק ח משנה ה | |
כתב לשום מלכות |
If one writes [the date on a get] based on a sovereignty |
שאינה הוגנת |
that is not appropriate, |
לשום מלכות מדי |
based on the sovereignty of Media, |
לשום מלכות יון |
based on the sovereignty of Greece, |
לבנין הבית |
to the construction of the Beis Hammikdosh, |
לחרבן הבית |
to the destruction of the Beis Hammikdosh, |
היה במזרח |
if he was in the East |
וכתב במערב |
and wrote "in the West" (i.e. the wrong location), |
במערב |
in the west |
וכתב במזרח |
and wrote "in the East," |
תצא מזה ומזה |
[and she remarried], she must leave both [the new and previous husbands], |
וצריכה גט מזה ומזה |
and she requires a get from both, |
ואין לה לא כתובה |
and she does not get neither her kesuba |
ולא פרות |
nor [is either husband entitled to] profit [from her property], |
ולא מזונות |
nor [is she entitled to] sustenance, |
ולא בלאות |
nor to the [replacement of] worn out clothing, |
לא על זה ולא על זה |
from neither of them. |
אם נטלה מזה ומזה |
If she took [and of this] from either of them |
תחזיר |
she must return it, |
והולד ממזר מזה ומזה |
and the child from either of them is a mamzer |
לא זה וזה מטמאין לה |
and neither of them [if they are Kohanim] may become tamei by her |
ולא זה וזה זכאין |
and neither of them have the privilege, |
לא במציאתה |
not in objects that she finds, |
ולא במעשה ידיה |
nor in her handiwork, |
ולא בהפרת נדריה |
nor the revocation of her vows. |
היתה בת ישראל |
If she was the daughter of a Yisroel |
נפסלת מן הכהנה |
she is disqualified from [marrying] a Kohen, |
בת לוי מן המעשר |
the daughter of a Levi from maaser, |
בת כהן מן התרומה |
the daughter of a Kohen from terumah, |
ואין יורשיו של זה |
and not the heirs of this one |
ויורשיו של זה |
nor the heirs of that one |
יורשין כתבתה |
inherit her kesuba |
ואם מתו |
and if they [the husbands] die |
אחיו של זה ואחיו של זה |
the brother of both |
חולצין ולא מיבמין |
perform chalitzah and not yibum. |
שנה שמו ושמה |
If [on the get, the scribe] changed his name or her name, |
שם עירו ושם עירה |
the name of his city or the name of her city, |
תצא מזה ומזה |
she must leave both [the new and previous husbands] |
וכל הדרכים האלו בה |
and all of these measures apply to her. |
משנה ד
The problem with a גט ישן is that if any children are born as a result of his being מיחד with her after the date of the גט, people may think that those children were born out of wedlock. Note that while ב"ה prohibits the use of such a גט, if one is in fact used in violation of this prohibition it is still effective and she may remarry.
משנה ה
כתב לשום מלכות - In the era of the משניות, the dates on גיטן were based on the year of the reign of the local monarchy at the time of the גט, as to do otherwise would arouse the ire of the non-Jewish regimes of the time.
שאינה הוגנת . . . מדי . . . יון - The משנה speaks of a גט that is written in בבל, and is thus invalid in these three cases. The "מלכות שאינה הוגנת" refers to Rome, so-called because it was said to lack its own native language and alphabet. Although the Median and Greek regimes were no longer extant, and their use thus less likely to provoke the local rulers, they were still invalid for use.
וצריכה גט מזה ומזה - Although מדאורייתא she only needs a גט from one, the רבנן required it from both.
ולא פרות ולא מזונות - These rights are based on her kesubas, which were unenforceable because the husbands were forced to divorce her.
ולא בלאות - This is a קנס levied on her for failing to check the validity of her first גט before remarrying.
והולד ממזר מזה ומזה - We learn that this משנה follows the opinion of רבי מאיר, who held that any גט that deviated from the form instituted by the רבנן renders it void, and the children born from any subsequent union ממזרים. If she left the second husband without a גט, returned to the first and had a child by him, that child is a ממזר מדרבנן.