פרק ח משנה ב | |
אמר לה |
If one says [to his wife] |
כנסי שטר חוב זה |
"take this note of indebtedness," |
או שמצאתו מאחוריו |
or she found it behind him, |
קוראה והרי הוא גטה |
she read it, and behold, it is her get |
אינו גט |
it is not a valid get |
עד שיאמר לה הא גטך |
until he says to her "This is your get." |
נתן בידה והיא ישנה |
If he puts it in her hand while she sleeps, |
נעורה קורא |
she awakens, reads it |
והרי הוא גטה |
and behold, it is her get, |
אינו גט |
it is not a valid get |
עד שיאמר לה הא גטך |
until he says to her "This is your get." |
היתה עומדת ברשות הרבים |
If she was standing in public property |
וזרקו לה |
and he throws it to her, |
קרוב לה מגרשת |
[it it lands] near to her, she is divorced, |
קרוב לו אינה מגרשת |
near to him, she is not divorced, |
מחצה על מחצה |
halfway, |
מגרשת ואינה מגרשת |
she is divorced and not divorced. |
פרק ח משנה ג | |
וכן לענין קידושין | And so it is with regard to kiddushin |
וכן לענין החוב |
and so it is with regard to a debt: |
אמר לו בעל חובו |
if one's creditor said to him |
זרוק לי חובי | throw me my debt |
וזרקו לו | and he throws it to him, |
קרוב למלוה זכה הלוה | [if it lands] close to the lender, the borrower is credited |
קרוב ללוה הלוה חיב |
close to the borrower, the borrower is liable, |
מחצה על מחצה |
halfway |
שניהם יחלקו |
the two of them divide it. |
היתה עומדת על ראש הגג |
If a woman was standing atop a roof |
וזרקו לה |
and he throws [her get] to her |
כיון שהגיע לאויר הגג |
once it reaches the air of the roof |
הרי זו מגרשת | she is divorced. |
הוא מלמעלה | [If] he was above [on a roof] |
והיא מלמטה | and she was below [in a courtyard] |
וזרקו לה | and he throws it to her |
כיון שיצא מרשות הגג | as soon as it exits the domain of the roof |
ונמחק או נשרף | and it was erased or burnt |
הרי זו מגרשת | she is divorced. |
משנה ב
או שמצאתו מאחוריו - However he must have made some movement, such as turning his back to her, by which he actively proffers the document to her, as פסוק says "ונתן בידה."
עד שיאמר לה הא גטך - This is the case so long as she still has the document.
נתן בידה והיא ישנה - The problem in this case is that it is not secure, and so while it may literally be בידה, it fails to meet the spirit of the law.
קרוב לה - This means that it was close enough for her to guard it, and so it is בידה, but not close enough for him to guard it. It need not be physically closer to her, as if there is a river between them, for example, and it is on her side of the river, she can keep it safe, and he cannot, and this qualifies as בידה.
משנה ג
וכן לענין קידושין - If the כסף קידושין is thrown.
זרוק לי חובי - The גמרא adds that he actually said "זרוק לי חובי בתורת גטין."
אויר הגג - This is within three טפחים of the rooftop, or if it had a wall, within the wall.
היתה עומדת על ראש הגג - This roof must belong to her.
כיון שיצא מרשות הגג - It must also enter the domain of her yard, such as being within its walls.
הרי זו מגרשת - But the fire cannot have been lit before the גט is thrown, else it is deemed to have been thrown into a fire, and not בידה.