פרק ה משנה ה | |
העיד רבי יוחנן בן גדגדה | Rabbi Yochanan ben Geduda testified |
על החרשת |
regarding a deaf-mute woman |
שהשיאה אביה | whose father married her off |
שהיא יוצאה בגט | that she could be divorced with a get; |
ועל קטנה בת ישראל | and regarding a minor bas Yisroel |
שנשאת לכהן |
who was married to a Kohen [a marriage that is only rabbinically valid ], |
שאוכלת בתרומה | that she may eat [food which is rabbinically treated as] terumah |
ואם מתה | and if she dies |
בעלה יורשה | her husband inherits her; |
ועל המריש הגזול | and regarding a stolen beam |
שבנאו בבירה | that was built into a large house |
שיטול את דמיו | that [it's owner] takes [from the thief] its value |
מפני תקנת השבים | as a solution for the penitents; |
ועל החטאת הגזולה | and regarding a stolen korbon chattas, |
שלא נודעה לרבים | that is not known to the public [to have been stolen] |
שהיא מכפרת | that is atones |
מפני תקון המזבח | as a solution for the altar (so that kohanim would not be reluctant to bring korbonos for fear that they would unknowingly bring invalid offerings). |
פרק ה משנה ו | |
לא היה סיקריקון | There was not [the rabbinical enactment to address land taken by] extortionists |
ביהודה | in Judea |
בהרוגי המלחמה | for [the time of] those killed at war, |
מהרוגי המלחמה ואילך | from [the time of] those killed at war and on, |
יש בה סיקריקון | there was [the rabbinical enactment addressing land taken by] extortionists. |
כיצד | How [does the rabbinical enactment to address land taken by extortionists work]? |
לקח מסיקריקון | If one purchased [the land] from an extortionist |
וחזר ולקח מבעל הבית | and then purchased the land from its [original owner |
מקחו בטל | the purchase is void; |
מבעל הבית | if [purchased] from the owner [first] |
וחזר ולקח מסיקריקון | and then purchased from the extortionist |
מקחו קים | the purchase is valid. |
מן האיש | [If one bought land designated for a wife to be hers after her marriage] from the husband first |
וחזר ולקח מן האשה | and then purchased it from the wife |
מקחו בטל | the purchase is void, |
מן האשה | [if one buys it first] form the wife |
וחזר ולקח מן האיש | and then purchased from the husband |
מקחו קים | the purchase is valid. |
זו משנה ראשונה | This was the original teaching |
בית דין של אחריהם אמרו | but the later Beis Din said |
הלוקח מסיקריקון | one who buys from an extortionist |
נותן לבעלים רביע | gives the [original] owner a quarter. |
אימתי | When? |
בזמן שאין בידן לקח | When the [original owner] does not have the means to purchase it |
אבל יש בידן לקח | but if [the original owner] does have the means to purchase it |
הן קודמין לכל אדם | they have priority over all persons. |
רבי הושיב בית דין ונמנו | Rabbi convened a Beis Din and they [voted and] counted |
שאם שהתה בפני סיקריקון | that if it remained with the extortionist |
שנים עשר חדש | for twelve months |
כל הקודם לקח זוכה | anyone who buys it first keeps it |
אבל נותן לבעלים רביע | but must give the owner a quarter. |
משנה ה
החרשת - She lacks the requisite דעת to enter into marriage herself, but can still accept a get.
המריש הגזול - Normally, a stolen object that has not undergone any physical change must be returned. However, as in this case it would require tearing down a substantial building, we allow the thief to merely pay for it to facilitate his תשובה.
משנה ו
סיקריקון - These were non-Jews who would take land from their owners with threats of death. The problem for anyone purchasing from such people is that the original owner is assumed to not to have given over the property willingly, and so title still rests with the original owner.
הרוגי המלחמה - This refers to the war of Titus, when the Romans were killing Jews whenever they could. Under such circumstances, it is assumed that a Jew giving his land to a non-Jew really fid fear for his life, and willingly traded his land for his life, thus giving the non-Jew title to the land.
מהרוגי המלחמה ואילך - At this time, Jews could not be killed for no reason, and so if a non-Jew took land from a Jew it was assumed that the Jew intended to get it back in court.
מקחו בטל - in these cases, the second party to consent to the transaction is assumed to do so only to appease the first.
רביע - There is a disagreement if this is a quarter of the land, and the buyer can alternatively pay the original owner a third of the price, or a quarter the purchase price, and the buyer can alternatively give the original owner a fifth of the land. Either way, the reasoning is that the buyer must reimburse the original owner because it is assumed that he got a low price from the extortionist.