פרק ד משנה ד | |
עבד שנשבה | A slave who was captured |
ופדאוהו | and redeemed [by someone other than his original master], |
אם לשום עבד | if [he was redeemed] for the purposes of being a slave |
ישתעבד | he is enslaved [to the one who redeemed him], |
אם לשום בן חורין | and if [he was redeemed] for the purposed of being a free man, |
לא ישתעבד | is not enslaved (not even to his original master). |
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר | Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, |
בין כך ובין כך ישתעבד | either way he is enslaved [to his original master] (as we fear slaves would allow themselves to be captured in order to escape their masters). |
עבד שעשאו רבו | A slave whose master made him |
אפותיקי לאחרים | the sole security for a debt [that the master owed] to others |
ושיחררו | and then freed him (thus freeing the master from the debt, as the creditors cannot collect from any other assets), |
שורת הדין | going strictly by the letter of the of law |
אין העבד חיב כלום | the slave is not liable for anything (and not subject to any claims by his former master's creditors) |
אלא מפני תקון העולם |
but for the good of the public (to prevent the slave from being accused by the creditors of still being a slave) |
כופין את רבו | we force his master (i.e. the creditor whose claim against his former master were secured by the slave) |
ועושה אותו בן חורין | and he makes him a free man (by giving him a bill of emancipation) |
וכותב שטר על דמיו | and [the slave] writes him a note for his worth (up to the value of the debt). |
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר | Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says |
אינו כותב אלא משחרר | [the slave] does not write anything, he is only freed. |
פרק ד משנה ה | |
מי שחציו עבד | One who is half slave |
וחציו בן חורין | and half a free man |
עובד את רבו יום אחד | works for his master one day |
ואת עצמו יום אחד | and for himself one day; |
דברי בית הלל | this is the opinion of Beis Hillel |
אמרו להם בית שמאי | Beis Shammai said to them: |
תקנתם את רבו | you have created a solution for his master |
ואת עצמו לא תיקנתם | but you have not created a solution for him, |
לישא שפחה אי אפשר | he cannot marry a slave |
שכבר חציו בן חורין | as he is yet half a free man, |
בת חורין אי אפשר | he cannot [marry] a free woman |
שכבר חציו עבד | as he is yet a half slave. |
יבטל | Should he remain idle? |
והלא לא נברא העולם | Was not the world created |
אלא לפריה ורביה | but for the commandment to be fruitful and multiply, |
שנאמר | as it is written |
לא תהו בראה לשבת יצרה | "He did not create it for waste, He created it to be inhabited ." |
(ישעיהו מה:יח) |
אלא מפני תקון העולם | Only for the publiuc good |
כופין את רבו | we force his master |
ועושה אותו בן חורין | to make him a free man |
וכותב שטר על חצי דמיו | and he writes a note to [his master] for half his worth. |
וחזרו בית הלל | And Beis Hillel retracted |
להורות כדברי בית שמאי | to rule according to the opinion of Beis Shammai. |
משנה ד
אינו כותב אלא משחרר - But, according to רשב"ג, the original master is obligated to pay the creditors for their loss.