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פרק א משנה ג
  המביא גט בארץ ישראל One who brings a get within Eretz Yisroel
אינו צריך שיאמר is not required to state that
בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם "it was written before me and signed before me".
אם יש עליו עוררים If there are objectors to it
יתקים בחותמיו it is validated by its signatures (i.e. the signatures of the witnesses upon the get).
המביא גט ממדינת הים One who brings a get from overseas
ואינו יכול לומר and is unable to state
בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם "it was written before me and signed before me",
אם יש עליו עדים if it has [the signatures of] witnesses upon in
יתקים בחותמיו it is validated by its signatures.
פרק א משנה ד
אחד גיטי נשים Both women's divorce documents
ואחד שחרורי עבדים and slaves' bills of emancipation
שוו למוליך ולמביא are equivalent in being sent and brought [to and from Eretz Yisroel, in that the messenger must state that ""it was written before me and signed before me"],
וזו אחת מן הדרכים and this is one of the ways
ששוו גיטי נשים that womens' divorce documents are equivalent
לשיחרורי עבדים to slaves' bills of emancipation.


משנה ג

יתקים בחותמיו  - This is accomplished either by (i) the  witnesses themselves testifying that these are their signatures;  (ii) other witnesses testifying that they recognize the signatures as being of the purported witnesses; or (iii) the signatures on the get matching the signatures of the same witnesses upon another document previously validated in בית דין.

ואינו יכול לומר - As a deaf-mute is not valid to serve as the messenger for delivery of a get, this case must be where the messenger was, at the moment he delivered the get, able to make the statement, and was struck deaf and dumb immediately after, before he could actually make the statement.



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