Audio by Shloimy Zelcer

R. Simeon ruled: He shall. Pass them to his fellow and his fellow shall pass them to his fellow, and so on, until the outermost courtyard is reached. The same procedure is to be followed in the case of a child of his. He passes him to his fellow and his fellow passes him to his fellow, and so on, even though they are as many as a hundred men. R. Judah ruled: a man may pass a jar to his fellow and his fellow may pass it to his fellow even beyond the Sabbath limit. They, however, said to him: this must not be moved further than the feet of its owner.                         עירובין 10.2
רבי שמעון אומר, נותנן לחברו, וחברו לחברו, עד שהוא מגיע לחצר החיצונה; וכן בנו, נותנו לחברו, וחברו לחברו, אפילו הן מאה׃ רבי יהודה אומר, נותן אדם חבית לחברו, וחברו לחברו, אפילו חוץ לתחום; אמרו לו, לא תהלך זו יתר מרגלי בעליה
If a man was reading in a scroll on a threshold and the scroll rolled out of his hand, he may roll it back to himself. If he was reading it on the top of a roof and the scroll rolled out of his hand, he may, before it reached ten handbreadths from the ground, roll it back to himself. But after it had reached the ten handbreadths he must turn it over with its writing downwards. R. Judah ruled: even if it was removed from the ground by no more than a thread`s thickness he may roll it back to himself. R. Simeon ruled: even if it touched the actual ground he may roll it back to himself, since no prohibition that is due to Shebuth retains its force in the presence of the Holy Writings           מ עירובין 10.3
הקורא בספר על האסקופה, ונתגלגל הספר מידו-- גוללו אצלו׃ היה קורא בראש הגג, ונתגלגל הספר מידו-- עד שלא הגיע לעשרה טפחים, גוללו אצלו; ומשהגיע לעשרה טפחים, הופכו על הכתב׃ רבי יהודה אומר, אפילו אינו מסולק מן הארץ אלא מלוא החוט, גוללו אצלו; רבי שמעון אומר, אפילו בארץ עצמו, גוללו אצלו, שאין דבר משום שבות, עומד בפני כתבי הקודש

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