R. Joshua said: I have received a tradition from Rabban Johanan b. Zakkai, who heard it from his teacher, and his teacher [heard it] from his teacher, as a Halachah [given] to Moses from Sinai, that Elijah will not come to pronounce unclean or to pronounce clean, to put away or to bring near, but to put away those brought near by force and to bring near those put away by force. The family of Beth zerephah was on the other side of the Jordan. And Ben Zion put it away by force; and yet another family was there, and Ben Zion brought it near by force. Such like Elijah will come to pronounce unclean or to pronounce clean, to put away or to bring near. R. Judah says: to bring near, but not to put away. R. Simeon says: to conciliate disputations. And the Sages say neither to put away nor to bring near, but to make peace in the world, for it is said, behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, etc., and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers. |
עדייות 8.7 |
On the three days preceding the festivities of idolaters, it is forbidden to transact business with them, to lend articles to them or borrow any from them, to advance, or receive any money from them, to repay a debt, or receive repayment from them. R. Judah says: we should receive repayment from them, as this can only depress them; but they [the Rabbis] said to him: even though it is depressing at the time, they are glad of it subsequently. |
זרה 1.1 |
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