R. Joshua b. Bathyra testified concerning the blood of carcasses that it was clean. R. Simeon b. Bathyra testified concerning the Ashes of purification, that if a defiled person had touched part thereof he had defiled the whole of them. R. Akiba added in regard to the fine flour, the incense, the frankincense, and the coals, that if a tebul. Yom had touched part thereof he had made the whole of them unfit. |
עדייות 8.1 |
R. Judah b. Baba and R. Judah the Priest testified concerning a minor, the daughter of an Israelite and married to a priest, that she could eat Terumah as soon as she entered the bridal Chamber even though she had no marital intercourse. R. Jose the Priest and R. Zechariah b. ha-Kazzab testified concerning a young girl who had been given as a security in Ashkelon, and whom the members of her family had put away, though her witnesses testified for her that she had not secluded herself [with any man] and that she had not been defiled; that the Sages said to them: if you believe that she was given as a security, believe also that she did not seclude herself [with any man] and that she was not defiled; and if you do not believe that she did not seclude herself and that she was not defiled, neither believe that she was given as a security. |
עדייות 8.2 |
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