Menahem b. Signai testified concerning the ledge attached to an olive-boiler`s cauldron, that it is [liable to become] unclean; and concerning that of dyers, that it is not [liable to become] unclean, whereas they used to say: the rule is the reverse. |
עדייות 7.8 |
R. Nehunia the son of Gudgada testified concerning a deaf-mute whose father had given her in marriage, that she could be put away with a bill of divorcement; and concerning a minor, daughter of an Israelite and married to a priest, that she might eat Terumah, and if she died her husband inherited from her; and concerning a stolen beam that had been built into a palace, that it might be restored by the payment of its value; and concerning a sin-offering that had been stolen, and this was not known to many, that it made due atonement because of the welfare of the altar. |
עדייות 7.9 |
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