R. Judah b. Baba testified concerning five things: that women who are minors are made to declare an annulment of their marriage; that a woman is allowed to re-marry on the evidence of one witness; that a cock was stoned in Jerusalem because it had killed a human being; and about wine forty days old, that it was used as a Libation on the altar; and about the continual offering of the morning, that it is offered at the Fourth hour. |
עדייות 6.1 |
R. Joshua and R. Nehunia b. Elinathan, a man of Kefar hababli, testified concerning a limb from a corpse that it is unclean; whereas R. Eliezer says: they declared [this] only of a limb from a living [man]. They said to him: is not there an inference from the minor to the major: if in the case of a living man [who is himself clean] a limb severed from him is unclean, how much more in the case of a corpse [which is itself unclean] should a limb severed from it be unclean! He said to them: they have [nevertheless] declared it only of a limb from a living man. Another answer is: the defilement of living men is greater than the defilement of corpses, because a living man causes what is under him to become a `couch` and a `seat` for the purpose of defiling [another] man and his garments, and [He causes also] what is over him [to become] a non-contiguous medium for the purpose of defiling foods and liquids-which is defilement that a corpse does not cause. |
עדייות 6.2 |
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