Akabia b. Mahalaleel testified concerning four things. They said to him: Akabia, withdraw these four things which you say, and we will make you father of the court in Israel. He said to them: it is better for me to be called a fool all my days than that I should become [even] for one hour a wicked man in the sight of God; and let not men say: He withdrew his opinions for the sake of getting power. He used to pronounce unclean the hair which has been left over [in leprosy], and yellow blood; but the Sages declared them clean. He used to permit the hair of a Firstling which was blemished and which had fallen out and had been put in a window, the Firstling being slaughtered afterwards; but the Sages forbid it. He used to say: a woman proselyte and a manumitted bondwoman are not made to drink of the water of bitterness. But the Sages say: they are made to drink. They said to him: it happened in the case of Karkemith, a manumitted bondwoman who was in Jerusalem, that Shemaiah and Abtalion made her to drink. He said to them: in simulation [only] they made her to drink. Whereupon they excommunicated him; and he died while he was under excommunication, and the court stoned his coffin. R. Judah said: God forbid [to say] that Akabia was excommunicated, for the Temple Court was never closed in the face of any man in Israel who was equal to Akabia b. Mahalaleel in wisdom and the fear of sin. But whom did they excommunicate? Eliezer the son of enoch who demurred against the Laws concerning the purifying of the hands. And when he died the court sent and laid a stone on his coffin. This teaches that whoever is excommunicated and dies while under excommunication, his coffin is stoned. |
עדייות 5.6 |
In the hour of his death he said to his son: withdraw the four opinions which I used to declare. And he said to him: why did not you withdraw them? He said to him: I heard them from the mouth of the many, and they heard [the contrary] from the mouth of the many. I stood fast by the tradition which I heard, and they stood fast by the tradition which they heard. But you have heard [my tradition] from the mouth of a single individual and [their tradition] from the mouth of the many. It is better to leave the opinion of the single individual and to hold by the opinion of the many, he said to him: father commend me to your colleagues. He said to him: I will not commend you. He said to him: have you found in me any wrong? He said: no; your own deeds will cause you to be near, and your own deeds will cause you to be far. |
עדייות 5.7 |
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